Mom, Where are you?

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He will look upon you and he will ask you, Laura have you been faithful? and you will reply Yes my Lord but as i am not perfect I have sinned. He will say Indeed you have my child but I have sent my Son to forgive you and all my children. You will say Amen. He will run through all of the Ten Commandments and you will tell no lie. But he will ask you what about your Son? and you will reply "What Son My Lord as i do not have one" He will then say "My dear child you have forgotten him. You have abandoned him to be lost among his peers. You have forgotten what It is to be Youthful. You have forgotten what it is to BE. Along the way you have endured many hardships which has dulled the knife of life. What used to be a roaring inferno of inspiration is now but a tiny flame in the wind struggling to survive. Surely you do not believe life is only about survival? For what are the creations of Love, Music, Art and Literature. For the essence of creation is purpose. For I created everything to have a purpose as do my creations. You used to tell your son "all we have is family" Yet you do not treat him as such. Laura you see your son feels exiled; exiled by his peers, exiled by his family, and exiled from the world. Laura you see even the strongest of men cry for their mother with their last breathes in Wartime. Your son is at a war within himself and he cries out, but you do not listen. For if i did not listen to you in the darkest of times surely you would have lost sight? A certain hopelessness and apatheism would fall upon you. And your eyes would be veiled from the light. You have placed judgment upon him as you do not know what he has endured for only you think you know. As you have placed judgement upon your son for now i now place judgement upon you. Laura you will now watch down from above your Son in despair, misery, and anguish, and ultimately alone to roam the world Lost, like a predestined soul. 

-The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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