Bonding With The Doctor and Rose

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Italics is Gallifreyan
'Quotation marks are thoughts'
"Speech marks is talking"

This is talking place just before the next episode starts, but Adam is not allowed to see (Y/N)
Third Person P.O.V
In the med bay, for the first time in years (Y/N) slept peacefully with no major nightmares that could wake them up and cause any concern.

The Doctor would frequently visit (Y/N) and sit next to them to calm his worries, and after the constant action of the Doctor doing this, Rose then told the Doctor to stay there till the abused time Tot woke up. Without a moments hesitation he was back by their side once again, happily sitting in silence and constantly checking how (Y/N)'s injuries are doing. He may or may not have used a bit of regeneration energy to help speed things along. He wasn't very keen on waiting for so long for them to wake up as he wanted to take them on their first adventure. Usually, he would have been worried and refused to let (Y/N) go anywhere for a while but.... he has this feeling. It tells him that this Time Tot is more than capable of taking care of them self, which the Doctor found strange and added the topic to a list of questions he wanted to ask, if they were selling up to it.
It took another half an hour (and a little more regeneration energy, which caused the Tardis to throw a dodgeball at him) for (Y/N) to show signs of waking up.

The Doctor's P.O.V
Finally (Y/N) is going to wake up. I can't wait, I feel like a child on Christmas. I won't mess this up. I have a second chance at being a father and I won't mess it up.
(Y/N) stirs in their sleep and lets out a small, adorable yawn. It's crazy how innocent they still look after everything. It also makes them look fragile and hurt, making my blood boil remembering how they treated them. 'How were they okay with hurting a child?' I thought. Stupid apes.

The Guardian's P.O.V
As I woke up, I yawned and was amazed at how well I slept. I usually only get half an hour to an hour of sleep because of nightmares, which can get pretty bad at times. The nightmares are usually memories of the Time War and the place where I was held for years before Van Statten's museum. I almost shivered at the memories.
I began to sit up so I could stretch, but winced at the soreness of my ribs and my sensitive state in general. I didn't realise the Doctor was in a chair next to me and jumped slightly as I heard him ask " Are you okay?!" I could great the concern in his voice and it shocked me. No one has ever shown so much interest and concern in me.
"Yes, I'm fine. Just a bit sore but I'm doing much better now... thank you." My voice was still quiet but was gradually getting better.
"There is no need to thank me, you needed help and a Time Tot's safety is always top priority." I didn't know why to say, never in my life has someone treated me with such kindness, I feel like a little kid. Being all shy, needing help and being treated as if I was made of glass. I have got to admit I didn't mind it,sure it was weird but I will get use to it as I can tell the Doctor is going to treat me this way till I tell him about my life on Gallifrey. Then, I don't know how he will treat me. Still like a kid? Or maybe he'll treat me like the Council did, I hope he doesn't, that was hell going round working all day only to go home to the only parents on Gallifrey who didn't care about their child.
I was snapped out of my thoughts as the Doctor began to speak " If you are feeling up to it you can use one of the bathrooms to freshen up, then we can head to the kitchen to get something to eat.?"
"That sounds great." I spoke before I thought and my reply sounded very childish and excitable. Ugh. 'What is wrong with me?!'
The Doctor grinned and helped me off of the bed but still continued to hold one of my hands. I was still unsteady on my feet and after a few steps my legs gave way and I leaned into the Doctor's embrace as he caught me. I looked down in embarrassment and muttered a quick thank you, only to hear a small chuckle in return. The Doctor's happiness seems to be contagious as I looked up at him with a small smile.
The Doctor guides me out of the med bay and to the nearest shower. He gives me some clothes that the Tardis picked out for me. After explaining that the Tardis will guide me to the kitchen once I'm done, the Doctor leaves me to freshen up whilst he begins to prepare something in the kitchen.
When he is gone I enter the room, lock the door and turn on the shower and wait for it to warm up. I look in the mirror and almost gasp at my terrible appearance. My hair is dirty and matted, my face is covered in grime. I am almost unrecognisable. I move my hair out of my face and stare at the horrid scar and red eye on the right side of my face. Memories flash in my mind of the day I got my scar. The day I lost  the ones I tried to protect from that monster. The day I felt like the monster.
The water has warmed up and I get out of the rags and under the warm water. It felt like heaven. I could finally clean off the build up of dirt I had gathered over the years of being held captive. I saw how the water ,that was now mixed with blood and dirt, washed down the drain.
It took along time to get totally clean, but it was  worth it. It felt as though a weighty was lifted off my shoulders and I began to relax in my new environment.
I got out, got dressed, dried my hair and styled it so it was neat and still covered my eye. I said a quick thank you to the Tardis as she lit up the way to the kitchen.
When I got there I could see the Doctor preparing something and I made my presence known with a quick "Hi". This caused the Doctor to turn around and greet me with a large grin and hello back
"I was thinking of making a fruit salad, if you fancy it."
"That's perfect thank you" I felt so relaxed here with the Doctor and I think I can trust him.
I say down at the table and watched as he chopped up a variety of fruits that would help me get the nourishment I needed.
"There we go" the Doctor placed a bowl of fruit in front of me and a fork, "fruit salad with extra bananas"
"Why extra bananas?" I questioned.
The Doctor simply smiled again and replied "Bananas are a good source of potassium"
I nodded at his reasoning and began to eat, soon letting out a small hum of happiness as I ate the delicious food. I heard the Doctor chuckle at my childish behaviour.
"So (Y/N).." I looked up waiting for his question "How old are you?" "89" I wanted to reply quickly and get this over with as soon as possible.
"You don't mind if I ask you some more questions do you?"
"I don't mind, it was bound to happen at some point"
The Doctor thinks for a while, as if he is carefully choosing his words. "How did you survive the war?" I could tell that talking about the war was difficult, it was for me too, but after some time I answered " I fell through the Time vortex... the one they keep in the Academy for the initiations... you see I had, you could say, special access to most places." I gathered the courage to look the Doctor in the eye, only to be met with a look of confusion and curiosity
"But, how? No one can get access like that from a young age."
"I'm not exactly a normal Time Lord... you see I am actually a-". I was cut off by the sound of a door opening. The Doctor gave me a look that said we will talk about this later.
A young girl was revealed. I recognised her as Rose from the museum. I guess she is the Doctor's travelling companion.
"Sorry if I'm interrupting, I couldn't wait any longer to meet you." Rose, she too had a smile that seemed contagious and I could help but send a small one in return.
"It's fine. It's nice to meet you too, I'm (Y/N)." I introduced myself and done a small bow, just like I was taught to do.
"I'm Rose, it's nice to meet you too (Y/N). I hope you are feeling better."
I was once again shocked at the kindness I was treated with and continued to talk to the Doctor and Rose for a while, till Rose suggested "How about we watch a movie to help us all relax"
"That sounds like a fantastic idea Rose. What do you think (Y/N)?"
"Yeah sure, I've never watched a movie. I'm open to trying it"
We all proceeded to a cinema room and something called a Disney movie was played.
I didn't really pay attention, but instead focused on the Doctor's calming heartbeats as I leaned into his chest. He put an arm around me and I finally felt wanted. I never wanted this to end. It's weird me, Rose and the Doctor almost feel like a family.
Halfway through the movie, my eyes began to close as I drifted of into a peaceful sleep. But before I did I thought 'Finally, safe at last.'
Little did I know I had projected my thoughts and the Doctor could hear me. This comment caused him to hold me closer to him as he remembered my broken state and promised to never let that happen again.

Another chapter done. I am so sorry this took to long to publish, I went way for a few days and I had no internet at the time I wanted to finish and publish the chapter.
Anyway I just wanted to say thank you so much for over 100 reads it is unbelievable, I am so happy people seem to enjoy the book so far. I believe in no time we will reach over 200 since we are so close. None of this could be possible without all of you lovely readers.
Stay tuned for the next chapter which will be ' The Empty Child'
Don't hesitate to comment your thoughts or suggestions for more chapters like this
And please excuse any mistakes I wanted this chapter up as quick as possible

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