The Aftermath

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Italics is Gallifreyan
'Quotation marks are thoughts'
"Speech marks are talking"
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~
The Guardian's P.O.V

The whole ordeal with the Slitheen seems  to have shaken the others up a bit. Rose was in shock about me pushing her out of the way, but overall not impressed at my 'reckless' behaviour.  Jack seemed to have respected my actions, he knows that I am not as fragile as him and Rose, but once again over reacting with how I could have gotten hurt. That is what I don't understand. Why do they care? I understand that I travel with them and I'm quite attached to the Doctor, not that I would ever admit it, but I'm just some kid they've met, a stranger. Its obvious that their definition of a child is quite different to mine. I do appreciate their concern but it is wasted, I have multiple opportunities and lives to live whilst they have one, to me it's a no brainer on what to do when a fragile human life is at risk. 

I must admit that the Doctor's reaction is what shocked me the most. His overprotective nature seems to have increases by a considerable amount. After taking Blon to the hatchery I have been bombarded with questions asking about my health and how I'm feeling. How am I supposed to know? I've blocked out all emotions all my life and I don't think my potential answer of 'numb'  or 'nothing' would be greatly appreciated. 

What are emotions mean to feel like anyway? I could be feeling overjoyed or angry and I wouldn't completely know, it all blurs together. I feel everything yet nothing at the same time, it is annoying that I don't fully understand how I feel.

Anyway, moving on, Blon is where she is meant to be and the humans are finally going to sleep after ages of convincing them I was fine. These constant questions are only being asked as there is currently an angry looking bruise around my neck now. Its a mixture of dark purple and blue with that ugly green colour round the edges, now I see it I can understand why the others are so concerned it looks pretty bad. They just don't get that I'm use to this type of thing, I don't really wanna try and explain that to them either.  This is actually why I am stuck in the position I am in now.

In the medical wing, with the Doctor looking quite frantic whilst searching for something. It doesn't bother me but at times like this I do believe that the Doctor forgets that we heal quicker than humans, so my bruise will heal within days. No point in telling him, he's running around like a headless chicken or a worried parent.

"Ahhh ha!" Finally his search is finished.

He walks over to me, gently taking my face in his hand and lifting it, inspecting my neck. I hear a sharp intake of breath.

"Its not as bad as it looks, honest." He gives me a sad smile, not convinced at all. "I'm use to it anyway..." My voice comes out barley a whisper yet the Doctor still hears, he freezes. At this point I'm not even looking at him, my sleeves are a lot more interesting than a potentially horrified Doctor. I  must admit I am quite shocked  when I hear a small chuckle. Its small, sad and overall kind of pathetic.

"That's what I'm afraid of." I look at his old sad eyes, confused." Its like you said, you've been through worse and you may not feel the full consequences of an injury but that doesn't mean its not there. Your body still needs time to heal and pushing yourself to act like normal isn't going to help. You look exhausted and your voice is quite scratchy, not to mention this nasty bruise." My eyes are wide and I look down ashamed that let myself be hurt so easily, I don't want to use my abilities like I use to but I can't stand to see so many people worry about my health constantly.

"Look.. What I'm trying to say  is... You don't have to expect the same treatments or criticisms here like you did back home. I can see that you're beating yourself up about not doing more and making others worry, I can imagine why that would be your first reaction. But.... Not anymore." My eyes dart up as I feel the space next to me dip and a secure grip around me. I've once again been pulled into a hug.

"I promised that I wouldn't treat you that way, you are a child that needs help adapting to your new surrounding and that's  what I'm gonna do, alright? The others don't know and won't unless you tell them, if you feel that could be soon then great. Or if you feel that could be never then that's great as well. Right now no one knows the Guardian. They only know the sweet child who had a rough start on Earth and to life in general. They know the child who cares about their friends and family to the point they would protect them from danger." I feel my eyes sting. "They know the child who is trying, the child learning to trust and express themselves. They know the child, whom when relaxed and care free, has the most radiant and stunning smile." Stop it. "That's what matters, who they know here and now is all they care about and its all I care about as well." Stop it......

You have a stunning smile you know

I only care about who your are, not what you're forced to do

Why? Why must you use those same words? How have you made the same observations?

Don't you understand, I can't do that again. I can't risk losing people as important as them again. I don't throw my self into danger because I was told its what I should do, I do it because last time... last time I was too late. I'm not making that mistake again. I can pretend with a smile and care free attitude but I won't hesitate to do it again.

It's true I'm no the Guardian, I don't think I am anyway, but my experiences have both broken me to the point of giving up and built me into a stronger person, more careful and cautious. For that I'm thankful.

Then why? Why am I sat here in the arms of the other living Time Lord, on the brink of tears feeling relived? That someone has taken the time to understand and support me. Why is my only reaction to this unimaginable kindness is silence whilst accepting this affection?

I don't know, nor do I really care.

My feelings and my actions contradict each other. 

What the Doctor is saying feels so right, yet my mind denies me these thoughts of living any kind of normal childhood.

I don't care.

I sit here now, in the moment, being held like a child. I won't resist.

I don't know how long we were sat there by my emotions have calmed down and we pull away, only for a pot to be held in my face.

"It'll help the bruising."

"Thanks." I take the pot containing a clear, cream like substance. It has a surprisingly minty fragrance.

"Why don't you go freshen up, hmm? Make sure to use plenty after you're done, then meet me in the kitchen. I notice you haven't eaten much."

I nod, hop off the bed and walk to the door. 

I stop in the door way and turn around.

"Thank you."

"Huh, it's no big deal real-"

"No, I mean thank you." I look at the Doctor with a meaningful look. "Thank you..."

I don't wait for a response when I walk off to my room.

Well what a day.

Hello. I know what you're thinking... How on earth have I posted another chapter so soon.

Well consider  this a gift. I wanted to get it done before my birthday, but change of plan, its posted and complete on my birthday. So yeah

The mystery of the Guardian continues. Who is this mysterious they how did they know the Guardian if they weren't allowed any kind of connections with anyone. You guys are welcome to guess or give suggestions if you wish but I've probably given it way in earlier chapters but hey.. bet you didn't expect them to be mentioned so soon. I mean we don't even know what's behind the mystery door in their room. Well I do, but what matters is that you guys don't know.

Anyway once again THANK YOU for all your support with this book, you have no idea how giddy I get when someone comments and votes, so please continue to do so, love hearing  your feedback and don't hesitate to criticize or make suggestions I would love to hear your thoughts.

I will see you for the penultimate episode of this season, things are gonna get good, trust me I'm the Author (see what I did there)  

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