• c h a p t e r • o n e •

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Adrien Agreste woke up Monday morning at 6:30, just like he did every week day in order to get ready for school. Unfortunately Adrien had a photo shoot, and could only stay for one class that day. But it wasn't a big deal, he was sure one of his friends would be kind enough to catch him up on anything he missed.

Like every day, Adrien was greeted at school immediately by Chloe.

"Adrikinsssss!!!" Yelled a loud screechy voice from across the hall, running toward him. "Are you excited for our group project todaayyy?? "

"Wait wait wait" Adrien said in fear, "there's a group project due today!? Oh no! I didn't know about it! My father's gonna be so mad-"

Chloe huffed. "No, there's no project due today. Ms. Bustier is just assigning us to groups of three for the hero project that isn't due til Friday, remember?!"

Adrien just shrugged, "I guess maybe I was at a photo shoot the day she announced it."

The annoying blonde just rolled her eyes. "Well, we're getting in groups of three and doing a research project and presentation about one of Paris' superheroes! I'm gonna make sure you're with me and Sabrina, and we'll do the project on queen bee."

Adrien really didn't want to do a presentation on queen bee. If he was being completely honest, he didn't think Chloe was the one of the best heros, not even top 3, much less someone he wanted to write about. What he really wanted to do was a presentation on Ladybug, but he doubted Chloe would ever let him do that. Hopefully he would get grouped with someone else. But before he could say that to Chloe, the bell rang and all the students began rushing into their classrooms.

"Sure Chloe, now let's go before we're late."


Ms. Bustier called roll and began the class. She talked mostly about superheroes and all the good they do, and how important it is to keep their identities a secret. Adrien pretty much just zoned out. After all he was probably the only superhero in his class, well except for Chloe of course, but she could learn a thing or two about keeping identities secret. Adrien had been Cat Noir for over a year now, and even though it was hard sometimes, he was good at keeping his identity a secret. But little did it know in a few hours, that would all change.

Near the end of class Ms. Bustier began assigning the groups for the superhero project due at the end of the week, and Adrien decided maybe he should start listening up.

"There will be five groups of three, and each group will choose a different hero to present. The first group is...." Ms. Bustier began reading a list of names from a sheet of paper.

"Nino, Ivan, and Mylene." Ivan and Mylene seemed excited to be together, and Nino wasn't disappointed, there were much worse people he could've ended up with. He was also determined to do his presentation on Rena Rouge, and was pretty sure Ivan and Mylene would oblige.

"Next group is Alya, Alix, and Juleka." The three girls were happy to be together in one girl group. That way they can make work and study sessions turn into slumber parties. Alya really wanted her group to do Carapace, of course, and it would be fun to work on him with the girls.

"Then Lila, Max, and Rose." Rose was a tiny bit disappointed to not be with her close friends, but Lila and Max were nice to her, so she didn't mind. Max also had a secret crush on Lila, and figured it would be a great opportunity to talk to her. They would probably do Cat Noir since he is Max's favorite. And even though Lila was Ladybug's 'best friend' she would never do a presentation on Ladybug.

"And the last two groups are Chloe, Sabrina, and Kim, then Adrien, Nathaniel, and Marinette." Yes! This was going to be great for Marinette! And Nathaniel was very nice aswell.

"Now everyone, your dismissed to your next class, I want you to decide by tomorrow with superhero you're going to be presenting with your group."

Everyone walked out of the classroom while the red haired teacher organized some stuff on her desk. Everyone that is, except Chloe. She grabbed Adrien by the arm and walked right up to Ms. Bustier.

"WHAT!?" shreaked the annoyed blonde girl. " I think there's been a mistake Ms. Bustier, Adrien specifically wanted to be in MY group because he WANTS to work on quEEN BEE!"

"woah, no reason to get angry Chloe!" she said calmly " if you would like to rearrange groups than can easily be organized, just have Adrien switch with either Sabrina or Kim. But make sure everyone agrees to it."

"Wait wait!" Exclaimed Adrien, now even he was annoyed. Chloe didn't even ask him if he wanted to switch! Maybe he did want to work with Marinette and Nathaniel! "Chloe you never even asked me! What if I don't actually want to work on queen bee!?"

Chloe was in shook, she was not expecting Adrien to want to work with 'mAriNetTe.' She felt bad about trying to force him, but it was What they both wanted, wasn't it?

"Well then Adrien, would you like to switch groups? " Ms. Bustier asked politely, trying to keep everyone calm.

Chloe looked at Adrien with an upset face, hoping he would say yes. But he just looked at her briefly, and looked back at Ms. Bustier.

"No." He said firmly "I don't wanna switch groups Ms. Bustier. Now if you'll excuse me Chloe, I need to go to a photo shoot."

And Adrien turned and walked out the door.

Chloe was beyond upset, this was utterly ridiculous! How could Adrien refuse to work with her!? What did he have against queen bee?! She was only trying to give him What he wanted!

She ran out of the room but instead of going straight to her next class, she ran out after him. But by the time she got outside, Adrien was already being driven away by his bodyguard.

She stood outside silently, and a single tear fell down her cheek.


"Ah, a young girl feeling unwanted by her only friend, perfect prey for an akuma, and a strong one at that. Last time i tried akumatizing her she held back her anger, but this time she won't be able to withstand the thirst for revenge."

A small white butterfly flew into his hands, until it was enveloped in a bubbly purple magic, and became a dark purple color itself.

"Fly away my little akuma, and evilize this lonely girl!"

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