Chapter 17 The Boss Battle

Start from the beginning

Capaneus then let Bell go in a good spot and then went to kill the much weaker monster's, the other adventurer's say in awe as this was happening, and as they were attacking, Mikoto's gravity spell stopped the boss in its track's as she was struggling to hold and when it broke, Welf used his magic sword to it's fullest and as he made a giant explosion, the sword broke as Lily used the explosive bolt's in its eye's and Lily is pushed back.

Lily:" Bell, hurry"

Capsneus:" a little longer, and... now"

Capaneus then went back as Bell was ready to attack, with everything in mind, he swung the sword as hard as he could, and as Bell did, the explosion was so big, that it created a crater nearly the size of the floor itself as nothing was left, the men in the floor also saw as their village was completely obliterated.

Bors:" that kid killed the monster... BUT HE DESTROYED THE VILLAGE WE LIVED IN, NOW HOW ARE WE GOING TO-"

Capaneus:" I'll pay for everything to be fixed as I get item's and equipment ready for repair, now, go to the surface till then okay"

Bors:"... alright, I guess I'll let it slide this one time then"

Capsneus:" more importantly Hestia"

Hestia looked in curiosity and confusion as Capaneus called her, only to be told that she should probably give the high-grade healing potion to Bell as he won. Bell walked up to Capaneus as Hermes was talking about something, Capaneus and Bell snuck off to listen in and what was being said was interesting.

Hermes:" glorious, I have seen it, I, Hermes, have seen it, the parting gift of Zeus, his familia was only part of it, who has no gut's, who has no character, do not say Zeus"

Capaneus:" right, now Hermes, what are you so excited about"

Hermes:" the fact that the Zeus familia have found a golden egg and made it into a dish of impossible recreation, that's all"

Herme's thought's:" I'm glad, your grandson is genuine, he will surely be interested in the world, the "King of War" Ottar, "Nine Hell" Rivaria Ljos Alf, the "Braver" Finn Deimne, the "Sword Princess" Ais Wallenstine, all of them are heroes in their own right, even without the Zeus familia back, it's impossible for nothing to happen"

Hermes:" I can see it, I can just see them carving their name's in history, this is it, our familia myth"

as they head back, they are in section's, since Bell's party was last due to Bell being tired, Capaneus also waited for Bell to recover before heading out, and when he was ready, they went on their way, along the way, they come across a hot spring's as Mikoto was excited, but Capaneus haad plan's for this.

Capaneus:" okay, we can rest here, but there's one condition for the Takemikazuchi familia can't enter as they have not earned it"

Mikoto felt as if she was killed from the inside as Ouka apologizes and Mikoto does a painful submission move on him while he was still injured.

Hermes:" let's go in"

Loki:" yeah"

Bell:" I have authority to break you 2 if you misbehave, don't push it"

as they got swimsuit's on, Capaneus made sure to keep an eye on Mikoto as she tried to get in a few time's, stopping her as she was close, needless to say, that they were enjoying themselves as everyone seemed relaxed, Bell even saying they should invite the other's to come here some time.

Capaneus:" that's a great Idea Bell, we just need to wait till after my nap"

Bell:" you can't be serio- and he's already asleep, well, I guess, it's okay"

as Bell made Lily stay close to Capaneus, he went to a deeper region to scout the area, than monster's appeared and Bell was fighting them all, the water then had the cloth's melt as Capansue got everyone out just in time, but lost his short's in the process, covering his lower half with his tail, after getting dressed, they rush to where Bell is and as Bell fight's, he kills the boss easily as he falls in.

Bell:" what took you so long"

the woman were somewhat edgy as Capaneus help's Bell out with that.

Capaneus:" um Bell, tail cover from down under"

Bell instantly covered his lower half with his tail as they head back to the surface.

Capaneus:" aside from the sudden cloth's melting and monster's appearing, that was fun"

Bell:" I will hit you as well Capaneus"

Capaneus:" kidding kidding, anyway, when we get back, we need to report this to them, and let me come, I can be... convincing"

as they get to the guild, the guild didn't want to say a thing, but Capaneus ordered a full report on this having it all be blamed on Hermes, Hermes was shocked about this and as the guild were hesitant on this, Capaneus grabbed Royman by the throat and threatened to eat him otherwise. the guild was one-sided in the decision, soon, word spread about everything there and just about everyone was interested, Bell, of course, became famous as even Loki vouched for the people severely underestimating Bell's real strength and even offered Bell a spot in her familia, Bell declined, but Loki just went to grope ais and fail as Finn asked how it went.

Bell:" I was escorting Loki through the dungeon with Hermes, how do you think it went"

Finn:"... that bad, well, all's well that end's well"

Bell:" what about the money you owe me and my familia"

Riveria:"... we'll get it to you in 3 day's tops"

after that, no fine was made to anyone, but Hermes got his debt increased significantly as for Capaneus's generosity and after nearly 3 day's pass, Bell got his money back, plus interest, his fame somewhat subsided, and the Zeus familia were happy to have the 2 of them back as Capaneus is staying a while.

Bell:" not going anywhere right now"

Capaneus:" I already freed the slave's from that merchant and some even joined the familia, and some were sent to their home's, so I have nothing to do but stay here and help"

Merry:" that's good, cleaning duty, you have 6 month's worth of it to do today"

Zack:" and you won't escape"

Capaneus:"... well... darn, okay, but we're sparing later Zack, level 6, now we're talking"

Zack:" you're on"

Mero:" Bell, get in here, we have a problem"

Bell walked in as he was asked and was in a room with something odd, an unopen bottle of wine, Enyo usually drinks wine every second she could get her hand's on it, but an unopen bottle of wine can only mean one thing, the situation is serious.

Bell:" what is it"

Enyo:" Apollo is on the move, and he seems centered around you and Hestia, seems he's taken an interest in you, that God is someone who is possessive and very annoying, on more than one occasion he's made trouble for us, but now, it seems he's after you, so Bell, how do you want to counter him"

Bell:"... so, it's going to cause some trouble I bet"

Zerif:" it should be fine if you don't get into a fight with them, that way, he has no excuse in doing so"

as Bell told them that he will do his best to not fight any Apollo familia members, Apollo is in his Familia's home where he is talking about how to make a familia war on the Hestia familia.

Apollo:" now I could stage something, no... no, far too obvious, but how do I get to them... of course, why do I need to attack them directly, Hyuakintosu, set a group up, we need to start a fight"

Hyuakintosu:" as you wish Apollo"

Apollo:" a child as brilliant as that, I'll see to it he's mine"

Apollo would be in glee, preying on Bell with a sadistic look.

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