Valerie nods and gets comfortable, "why'd you even bring me? I mean thanks for this because I want Vanya safe but I just figured you'd want to do this alone." Valerie admits as she looks to her sister.

Allison lets out a sigh, "we're sisters and we made that toast remember?" she reminds with a smile, "we'll always be there for each other, even now."

Valerie smiles at the thought of the night at the bar and remembers Joleen which causes her to pull out her phone and open the texts:

So, I can't stop thinking about that kiss at the bar. Want a do over? Maybe during a date?
sent at 5:45pm

Unless you're too busy?
sent at 8:20pm

Valerie frowns to herself and goes to type a reply that she hopes isn't too late:

Sorry, I was super busy. Maybe tomorrow, if you're still up for it? :)
sent at 3:30am

The phone is turned off and Valerie stares at her tired, puffy eyes and messy hair that's peaking out from her hoodie before putting away her phone, trying to sleep:

It's pitch black before Valerie finds herself in an unknown house with a gun in her hand. Valerie is quick to drop it before trying to find Klaus or Luther, running into a kitchen where everything was thrown around.

"Klaus? Luther?" Valerie calls out the fear of her brother being dead crawls into her mind as she runs into the next room to find Klaus lying on the floor like he was in the club, "no, no, no, no, Klaus?" Valerie begs when she runs over and kneels beside him to find bullet wounds all over his chest.

Valerie places a hand over mouth as she cries into her brother's chest, "Valerie?" Someone calls out behind her making her look to find Luther holding a hand over his chest, "what's wrong with you Valerie? why'd you do this to us?" He grunts out removing his hand to reveal a gunshot wound in the center of his chest.

"Luther, no, no, I-I-- I wouldn't--" Valerie cries out when a gunshot rings out behind her brother making him fall over, "Luther!" The person behind him is shown, only to find herself standing over him with a crazy smile on her face as blood is splattered all over it.

Valerie flinches herself awake to find themselves driving through some woods, "you okay?" Allison asks making Valerie dart her eyes over to her sister as her heart beats wildly in her chest, "we're almost there."

"I'm fine," she mumbles out when her heart begins to calm down and they continue their drive.

"I got us some water," Allison mentions as she leans over and grabs a water bottle from Valerie's feet.

Valerie nods and grabs the bottle, chugging it quickly, "thanks," Valerie lets out breathlessly.

The two drive for a while before pulling into the driveway of a cabin, "nice place," Valerie mumbles to herself.

Allison grabs a blue folder and looks it over before motioning Valerie to follow her.

"What if he's with her?" Valerie questions as she closes the door and they begin to make their way under the porch.

Allison looks over at her sister and shrugs, "let's just hope he's not with her then," Allison peaks out over the ledge then quickly moves over to a window where the two peak inside to see if Lenoard or Vanya are inside only to see Vanya's violin case.

They start to head back to the car when a bird flies out and causes the two to jump, "holy fuck," Valerie whispers out as she calms herself down, "you okay?"

Allison lets out a sigh before nodding.

VALERIE AND ALLISON SIT IN HER CAR, WAITING for the traffic to move forward, "wonder where they went?"

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