"Well, maybe we can fill you in on some information that'll change your mind," Kathryn replied with a smile. She turned to Genette, "I'll let you take it from here."

Genette nodded and turned back to Naomi. He pulled out a folded piece of paper and set it on the table before he began his explanation. "We got some information from General Perrault and a couple of other people in the top brass and as promised we found an alternative to the other outcomes of your trial. It's not glamorous by any means and it might be a challenge to adjust to, but it'll keep you in the air and give you a way to redeem yourself. In a way. You'll still be serving Osea, at least."

Naomi eyed the paper curiously, but she couldn't exactly reach forward and open it. "Well...I'll take anything at this point. Just what kind of place are you talking about, here?" Kathryn hesitated, unfolding the paper and sliding it forward so she could read it. There were notes that Genette had apparently taken for reference, and after skimming over them, Naomi found herself slightly worried. "You're kidding me, right? I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but that sounds like a shitty alternative. I might as well just be dishonorably discharged and locked away."

"It's not the best one the OADF has got, but unfortunately, this is the only penal unit that's requested new pilots." Kathryn explained calmly, giving the paper back to Genette once Naomi was finished with it. "Zapland is a secure place for the most part, but the Erusean's have been bombing them more and more lately. Tyler Island has a stronger squadron and most of the pilots are more experienced than the ones at the 444th. At the start of the month they lost two of their pilots in the last run and their base commander sent in a request for some replacements. The squadron was thrown together on a whim, but Perrault was surprisingly willing to give us a look at the roster and it looks...well...unique."

"I'm not exactly looking for 'unique'," Naomi sighed. "But really, what other choices do I have? Is there any way you could convince them to go this route?"

"Yes, actually," Genette replied. "It's not exactly a sure-fire way to sway them in that direction, but if during your trial we can convince the judge that they could still use your capabilities in war and to carry out missions, then we might be able to send you to the 444th. It isn't going to be a walk in the park if we manage it, and the penal units are usually used to reform the prisoners as well as to send them off to fight, so I'd start preparing myself for a pretty strict leadership in case we succeed."

"Does my dad know about this? What about Knocker or Clown?" Naomi asked. She didn't have a lot of questions. Really, she was just happy they'd found a solution, even if it wasn't the best option in the world. If it worked, it would still keep her in the air and defending her home.

"We went over it with them this morning before we came out here," Kathryn said with a nod. "Knocker and your father aren't exactly thrilled with the idea, but they want to help in any way they can. This was the only idea we could come up with, and while none of us are fans of the penal units and using prisoners as pawns, we don't really have any other tricks up our sleeves." Naomi watched as the older woman pressed her fingers to her temple, looking tired. "I just hope this works. We may not know you that well, but I'd hate to see you punished for something you didn't do."

At first, Naomi wanted to challenge her. She was being punished for something she didn't do, it would just be in a different way. She'd still be able to fly if everything worked out, but she was still a prisoner. But she didn't want to argue, or ruin any chances of them helping her, so all she did was nod. There wasn't anything else she could do. Having no control over the situation was extremely frustrating. "Yeah, I hope it works, too."



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