so when do you pop the big question?

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After so many years, Ray was finally getting married. It was completely hard to believe, considering his constant disdain for marriage. It never felt right with him, being with the same person for the rest of his life. But upon meeting Sara, the idea of being a husband and settling down didn't seem to bad at all. Many felt like it was a little late for him to start this steady life, but the opinions of others never mattered to him.

Everyone was astonished, puzzled even, to see how the engagement could change a man so much. Ray smiled more, complained less, and grew a sense of maturity.

Henry was asked to be his best man, making him participate in the wedding and its preparations quite a lot, forcing him give up his spare time (and money) for the success of the wedding. And while, it was consuming a portion of his time, something bigger consumed a portion of his mind.

How will I know who's the right one? Henry thought often. These questions were silly though as he knew the answer to that. It's going to be the person he's spent most of his life with; seventeen whole years. He can spend the rest of his life with her too. The real question was when to propose.

"You look so handsome in your tux, Hen," Charlotte said to him on the day of the wedding. She adjusted his tie and leaned forward on her tipped toes to lay a quick peck on his lips.

"You don't look too bad yourself," he responded, twirling her around. He wasn't lying. Charlotte had a beautiful green floral maxi dress that compliment her smooth, chocolate skin. In addition, she smelled of lavender and honey, a perfume that Henry had given her as an anniversary gift. "Almost too good, I'm afraid you'll take all the attention from the bride."

"How hilarious," she chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I'll start the car, make sure to lock the door." Following that, she exited their apartment.


The after party was the best part of the wedding for Charlotte and Henry. They could finally sit together after being separated for pretty much the entire day. Not to mention, the drinks and food and lively music. It was finally time to let loose and enjoy.

"Can I have a sip?" Charlotte innocently asks. Henry had ordered a Whiskey Sour from the bar. The bright yellow color and fruity smell had intrigued her. Charlotte was 20 years old, while Henry was 21 so she obviously couldn't drink it.

Henry smirked at her and slid it over, prompting a smile on her face. She's drank before on several occasions but there was something so sweet about Henry getting things for her with his age privileges. She loved it.

"We should dance," she says. Then she gets up and grabs his arm, dragging him up. She was definitely a little tipsy. "Come on, come on, please."

"Ehh, I don't really think I should." he groans.

"We never go to parties like these. Who knows the next time we'll have a chance to dance together like this again? At our wedding?"

Woah. Henry thought. He had no idea that Charlotte had been thinking of marriage too. Why did she casually mention it like that? If we're both thinking of marriage, does this mean that we should probably get married?

His thoughts were interrupted by her persistent behavior and dragging of his arm. He'd think about this later. For now, he was just going to dance with his beautiful girlfriend. He was always hated dancing in public spaces, always felt it was awkward but for her, for her, he'd do anything.

So he got up, and Charlotte dragged him out to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms on his neck, his hands on her waist, swaying side to side. An instant flashback reminded him of the 5th grade dance, when they were dancing together and people thought they were a couple and teased them for it. Henry wondered that night what it would be like if he liked Charlotte.

He was then reminded of the 8th grade ball and how her crush had rejected her, so he asked her to go with him. They had the best time and it totally made her ex crush jealous. It also happened to be the night where he realized his feelings for her. He wondered if in the future, they would end up going to prom together.

And they eventually did, she wore a similar greenish prom dress and all he remembers is her looking absolutely beautiful. All she remembers was Henry looking extremely handsome— she knew many girls envied her that day. They were both seniors in high school at that time and it was the night Henry had asked Charlotte to be his girlfriend.

Now, they were seniors in college dancing to the exact same song they heard at their high school prom. In the exact same position, arms around his neck and arms around her waist. It seemed like every time they danced together at an important event, Henry had realized something new about their relationship. And as Charlotte clenched her arms around him tighter, laying her head in his chest, Henry knew it was time.

He always had it in his pocket, awaiting for the right moment. He knew it was time now. Henry quickly parted and looked at her.

"Is everything okay, honey?" Charlotte asked, confused by the sudden separation. "Will you come outside with me?" he asked.

She didn't hesitate or asked any questions because she knew she would still end up outside so she nodded her head.

The walk was pretty quiet and long as the venue was quite big, but they eventually find a bench right next to a fountain.

Henry quickly became puzzled. Now that he was here with her, how was he going to tell her that he wanted to marry her? He never thought of the words he wanted to say, or planned a special proposal.

"I know you don't like so much attention or when it gets crowded," he started off. Charlotte nodded slowly, interested in what he wanted to say. "I've been thinking a lot about us, especially with the Ray's marriage and everything." he chuckles and then takes a deep breath.

"I realize now how important you are to me. Not that I didn't know that before," he stutters, "but just realizing that you have been with me every step of the way. Every challenge and success, every up and down, you have been there and I couldn't ask for a better partner. I love you so much, so much more than words can describe and I feel like if you have been there for me this long, why waste time when we know we're going to be together forever."

He reaches into his pocket and gets on one knee. Charlotte is in complete shock, trying to process if this is actually happening to her or not. A tear breaks out from her eye.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is... will you marry me?" he says, placing the ring in front of her.

Charlotte is at a loss of words. Until she eventually says, "I think you've had too much to drink. You're always playing." she laughs, while Henry remained silent, giving an "I'm being so serious" face, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Why're you always playing?" she laughed, hitting Henry in a playful way.

"I'm not! I really wanna marry you." he says. "Look, I know we're young-" Henry says.

"Really young," Charlotte interrupts.

"But I know for a fact we'll never be apart. Charlotte, when I told you I loved you at prom, I meant it. And I've been proving it every day since then. I truly love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you." He gets up and puts the ring on her finger.

"You swear this is true because you're always doing pranks on me?" Charlotte asks.

"I swear."

"Oh my Gosh!" she says, uncontrollably crying now.

"So... will you marry me?" he asks. "Of course!" Charlotte yells, jumping up and down.

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