Unsent Messages

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I know that I'm way too bad of a bitch to tell the person who made me sad that they made me sad. That's not what I'm going to do, especially because this particular person acted the way that they did to hurt me. The uneasy and unsettled feeling that has been making my stomach churn these pst few weeks has been a lack of closure. However, I've realized that closure and the quest for it is pointless. Because the truth is the other person most likely doesn't care it all, that's the cold hard truth.
If a bad friend went behind your back and spilled your deepest secrets, they really don't care what you have to say at all. If they did, they wouldn't have done it.
If a ex-lover cheated on you, they really don't care what you have to say at all. If they did, they wouldn't have done it.
You see, it's as simple as that. And this summer, that has definitely been the hardest lesson for me to learn as I grow into adulthood.
This is why I decided to come up with a short group of poetry and random thoughts called "Unsent" as a place for myself and all of my readers to write down every negative thought and emotion that they have felt due to another person's actions. This is a place for you to get it all off your chest and write it down as if you are talking to the person that hurt you, without you actually sending that message to them. :) cheers

Part 1

I want to tell you that I want to kiss you one more time, to have you hold me and pull my body up against yours
Please let us meet again with a few seconds to ourselves, because I fear so much that I might have forgotten that feeling
I keep planning out scenarios, but none will ever come to light
I want to stumble upon you at the lake, I even left my location on for you
So love this is my message, meet me there
Let's go for a walk and the second we are out of sight let's pretend as if it's just us again
That's all I need, and that's exactly what I don't need
But right now, it is the only thing that I want
I'll never find another one of you, and I know that you'll never find another one of me- for that I'm thankful for because I know exactly what you are and whenever I need to be reminded of that I know exactly where to find you
For good and for bad, please kiss me again

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