"Why don't you ask your "oh so good son" about his "oh so good deeds", Mrs Gauri Oberoi. I'm sure he will be delighted to tell you about his good deeds." There was frost in her tone even though her tone was soft and melodious like before never touching the loud notes, her tone was pleasant to hear her words not so much there was a challenge in her eyes and he didn't like where this was going, this wasn't going to end well for his future plans.

"SHIVANYA OBEROI, don't talk to me in riddles tell me what my son did and whatever he did, you didn't have any right to slap him" Gauri was so angry, it could be seen in her eyes losing her composure and calm, she was so hurt watching her son's broken form and tears strained cheeks and mother's love for their children never cease to amaze him. Oh, how easily Gauri had fallen in his traps along with Anika as he guided them just where he wanted them to be as he had guided Jhanvi and Pinky before Anika wasn't his bride of choice but she turned out to be the perfect pawn with all her goodness and Gauri was chosen by him for the same reason too much goodness and naivety, never guessing the ulterior motives but Anya was unpredictable Gauri's outburst wasn't having the desired effect on her. She was Shivaye and Anika's daughter yet she wasn't sparing her family pain. Why so?????

"Don't talk to my daughter like that Gauri" He never in a million years thought Anika will defend Anya after everything he told her about her, after those costly psychologist visits and making sure a deep hate will reside in her heart for her daughter after making sure Anika thinks she could lose her mental balance if she was near Anya and hurt her very badly, after making sure even the psychologists told Anika to avoid Anya and dot on Shivika to stay stable, he was sure to whisper all hate filled comments in Anika's ears, fill her heart with poison against Anya and here she was shouting at her sister for the girl he made sure she will always hate. How this even possible, how could all those session disappear like this. This girl is really messing up everything.

" I can stand up for myself Mrs Oberoi and Gauri ji as I said don't you dare scream at me like you've any right on me. You say how I dare slap Omav as his sister I could but you've never given me that right so obviously I didn't slap him as his sister, I slapped him as someone else's sister and he bloody well deserved that slap and thank god, I didn't inform anyone else or you would've found your oh so dear son in ICU. I still think he deserved that and I thought as his cousin for a moment but thanks for reminding me I'm not so I'll go with my original plan and make sure he is doomed forever." Her words were sharp and doubled edged making it impossible for anyone to retort anything without making the situation tenser than before and he didn't know how she could keep that innocent smile on her face as she uttered these vile words. He heard the loud gasp of the ladies around him as they looked at her with wide eyes and he knew an expression of total shock was plastered on his face too.

"How..." Gauri began but Omav cut his mom in between and he couldn't phantom why was Om silent in the whole matter, shouldn't he be shouting at Anya too, blaming her as he always did for his dear brother and sister-in-law's condition, won't he blame her for his son's condition and name her evil after listening to her words as the likes of her mother and aunt could never use such words or even think like this but what surprised him most was Omav's words.

"I deserve that ma......Anya have every right to be angry at me. In college, I...I did a very disgusting thing...there was a bet, a bet to sleep with this girl...a bet I went forward with and broke her heart. Someone from my friends made a video of the whole thing and" Omav couldn't continue anymore he wouldn't meet anyone's gaze while confessing all this but his confession was met with an uproar as both Gauri and Anika fell on their knees their eyes wide and full of disbelief. He could see the tears streak down their eyes and both Shivaaye and Om looked enraged, furious and he didn't know what was there to be so angry about. Omav was young and it's fine to have his share of fun, he has two or three mistress at the present and so there was no need of making such a big deal of this thing.

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