Chapter 12

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Two Days Later
Detroit, Michigan

•••••Cricket's Perspective

"Why exactly do we have to buy him stuff again?" I groaned, practically dragging my feet as I pushed the shopping cart down the aisle.

"They're 'good-bye' gifts!" Sky said, tossing another box of PopTarts into the cart. "Gifts to say 'thank you'."

I tilted my head. "Why are we thanking him for leaving us?"

Aiden smirked at me. "I thought you didn't care that Ben was leaving."

"I don't." I raised my hands in surrender. "I'm just saying."

"You know, it is okay to admit that you're slightly bummed that Ben's leaving tour." She reminded me. "It's okay for you to have a heart."

I shook my head. "Emotions are a crime that I will not allow to be committed against me."

She shrugged. "Fair enough, I guess, but I'd still like you to pick something out for him."

"Like what?"

"Like, food, or something. Anything you think he might like."

"I barely know the kid."

Sky frowned. "But you've been on tour with him for almost two months."

I raised my eyebrows, glancing at Aiden. "Wow. Has it really been that long since you dragged me back into 'Broadway World'?"

She nodded proudly. "Two months of frolicking in fields of daisies."

Sky blinked. "What?"

"Nothing." She waved her hand dismissively.

My phone buzzed in my pocket.


«Today's the day!!!!!»
«I'm super nervous»

«Don't be. You'll be fine.«
«Let me know how it goes as soon as it's over.»

«Will do!»

"Cricket," Aiden prodded, bringing me back to the conversation, "pick something out."

I sighed, sliding my phone back into my pocket and scanning the shelves for anything that I thought Ben might even remotely be interested in.

A nearby rack stocked with junk caught my eye, and I strode over to it.

Watches, flashlights, scarves, and other useless knick-knacks.

I picked up a pair of white socks, adorned with smiling oranges.

"Does he like socks?" I asked, holding them up for Aiden to see.

She stuck her bottom lip out, thinking, before looking to Sky for his opinion.

The redhead shrugged. "Sure."

"Done." I tossed them into the shopping cart.

Aiden sighed, but she placed her hand on my shoulder and said approvingly, "Thank you for cooperating."

I shrugged. "I'm not gonna see the kid for a while. Might as well be nice to him at least once."


The worst part about send-off parties isn't saying 'goodbye'.
No, the worst part is the tear jerking-speech that your director feels as though he is obligated to make.

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