A Heart as Light as a Feather

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When I'm gone, none should grieve
Who could wish grief upon another
Remembered fondly, if truth inspires
But greatness' price is too often steep
And regard comes too cheaply borrowed
Stolen lightly, as if imperceptibly lifted from a pocket

The loftier, the more heavy the cost

No, paint me honest and even then
I would rather slip out the back
My bill unpaid, books unkept
My tab come due by other means
I shall not tally before last call
Knowing not what purse I will hold then
Or who will total the account

As circumstance bestowed me,
I have claimed credit undeserved
And embraced debt unreserved
Now I feel both the lightness of grace and the heaviness of my heart
Laid on the scale in ever future tense
A feather of hope alights

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