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The heretic didn't lie in the way we wanted her to

No voice deep and booming with unearned confidence

How could she speak for us

And how could we hear

We needed sugared fantasies simply told

In language we can understand

By those who look and sound like us

Who feel like us: loud and violent

Full of rage, vengeance, cruelty, spite, disgust

desperate indulgence in self righteousness

Ego engorged on it's own phantom reflection

Forever quenching our thirst with brine

And our hunger with famine

We poison ourselves to watch others cry

Through these mortifications we become

Starved of love enough to fit through the eye of the needle

Thinned of empathy enough to enter the Kingdom

Full of (y)ourselves, we are emptied

Darkness projected out, fears made manifest

Sadness vanquished, despair bullied away

The problem of evil cleverly solved by its embrace

God will pay attention now

If our golden calf is all business

Rough around the edges, honest in depravity

Willed to power but never accountable

Forgiven trespass without repentance

Absolution claimed even as atrocities pile

Larping the apocalypse in cardboard

Our knights templar are but proud boys

A cargo cult crusade

co-opting a cosplaying heel of an antichrist

A pregnant prophecy is induced

The future, both revealed and made

We will bring about the end-times

To fit into our scheduled tee-times

Our clubs are in the back

Impatient as we are for the show to start

We know the hour and the day

We can wait no longer for the promised paradise

Through riches we will create it

Through ignorance we will burn it

Through greed we will destroy salvation

Faith is hope renamed, remade, reclaimed

But we have no need of hope or faith

When there is no future to be had only revelation

Forgive them father for they know not what they do

Not true some do

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