Injured| George

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AN| Sorry if this is a bit choppy, I been busy getting ready to sell my art at this little festival type thing in my town :) hope you like it either way. I kinda wanna post a list of prompts and let someone choose the next one I write. I love writing short cute fluffy one shots, it's the inner hopeless romantic in me lol

Prompt| Reader is injured and George takes care of you.

Warnings| none, all fluff :)

Word count|1207

    The pain in my leg was apparent as I awoke. The meds must have worn off, the pain had not been this unbearable the night before. Before I could even open my eyes, I felt a presence at my side.

    "Y/N, love, are you awake?" It was George.

He had offered to stay with me while I was bedridden- feeding me, clothing me, cleaning me, the whole shebang. He didn't feel comfortable leaving me in the hands of someone else.

    I say nothing but groaned in response, the pain siphoning my energy. I felt his weight on the other side of the bed, and then a hand against my forehead, and then his lips. I managed a smile, despite the pain.

    "Does it hurt yet?" His voice was low, as though he was trying to be as gentle as possible.

    "I can manage." I knew I sounded like a hurt puppy and could convince no one, yet I felt bad that George had taken such time off from recording to take care of me, I didn't want to feel like a burden to him.

    "Don't lie to me, hon, I can see you're in pain. Let me grab some meds." His weight and heat were gone, and I regretted saying anything.

    I opened my eyes, blinking against the harsh light of the sun shining through the bedroom window. It had been a few days since I was discharged from the hospital, yet they all blurred together in the end.

I was a dancer. Was. This wasn't a simple broken bone easily repaired, a tendon in my leg had completely snapped. The pain was indescribable. And the worst part of it all, it was in the middle of a performance, hundreds of people watching. my career was over, and I couldn't tell if the physical or emotional pain was worse. That horrible crunching noise still rang in my ears.

    The familiar warmth returned at my side. "Hon, can you sit up?" George was still in his pajamas, his hair tousled- he must have slept on the couch.

    I pushed myself up so that my back was against the headboard. George handed me a glass of water and two pills. I sipped the water and popped the two pills, grimacing at the chalky taste. "Thank you, George, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Of course, Y/N." He pressed his lips to the top of my head. "I gotta be there to take care of my birdie, don't I?" He smiled down at me, draping his arm across my shoulders. I leaned my head against him, feeling the effects of the painkillers start to kick in. "Love, I've run you a bath, I'm assuming there's no way you can walk, right?"

    "Oh Geo, you didn't have to-"

    "Of course I did, stinky, can't have you just laying in bed all day, can I? Come on, up up!" He jumped out of bed, his warmth leaving me yet again. "Come on lazy bones!"

    I swung my legs over the side of the bed, not without causing a shooting pain up my leg. "How do you expect me to get down-?" Before I could even finish my sentence, George scooped me up from the bed, an arm under my knees and another behind my back. I gripped his shoulders, yelping in surprise. "George!"

    "Don't worry, I'm not going to drop you. I carried Ritchie around like this yesterday to make sure I could." I couldn't help but giggle at the image.

    George successfully carried me down the stairs and into the bathroom without hitting my head too many times and set me back down on the ground. I gripped his arm for support, lifting my leg up to avoid putting any amount of pressure on it.

    "I got you, love, don't worry." George gripped my arms.

The room was filled with the scent of roses and vanilla. The bath was full of bubbles, candles dotting the room with a soft light.

    I felt Georges hand around my waist. "Do you feel okay, love?"

    "I'm good, Geo. Thank you for all of this." My hands were on his shoulders, his muscles firm beneath my hands. I don't know what I did in my past life that granted me such a gift as him.

    He pulled my tee-shirt over my head. "My arms aren't broken, hon, I could do this myself-"

    "Shh shh shh, let me help you." He ignored me, moving down to slide my bottoms off, much more carefully than before. He avoided touching my leg entirely. He put my clothes neatly in a pile off to the side, I suppose to prevent any possibility of slipping.

    He offered his arm to me- even though the tub was only a few feet away. "George, I got this. I'm not entirely crippled." I gave him a reassuring smile and began to put pressure on my bad leg, only for my knees to nearly buckle. George was there in a second, his arms wrapped around my waist, holding me up.

    "Are you sure about that?" His statement was sarcastic, but a look of worry was painted upon his face.

I said nothing, but wrapped my arms around him, burying my face into his shoulder. This was all so frustrating- to go from being strong and independent to helpless and unable to do anything on my own in an instant. I didn't want to tie George down, though I knew he was there on his own free will.   

"It's okay, darling, let me help you." His arms slid under my legs again, picking me up and gently setting me down into the bathtub.

The warm water felt nice, relieving the stress of my strained muscles. George ran a hand through my hair, untangling knots as he went, gently pouring water from a cup over my scalp. He massaged shampoo into my hair, the whole experience lulling me into a more calm state. For a moment I could just let it all go... but the thought was inevitable, hanging over me like a dark cloud.

"Geo.... I don't know what I'm going to do.."

"Y/N," he cut me off, "whatever you do, you're going to be fantastic. This is just a little hiccup in your career, that's all. The world isn't ending, you have your whole life ahead of you, and I'm going to be here to make sure of it." He placed his hands on either side of my face, pressing his lips to mine so passionately, I knew he meant what he said.

I broke away, resting my forehead against his, our noses brushing together. "George, I love you so much."

    "I love you too, Y/N. Forever."

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