Chapter 1:Mal and ben meet at auradon (mal is the narrator)

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Hi I'm mal daughter of maleficent. So you might think I'm bad or evil but no I'm not. I used to be bad back when I was on the isle of the lost. I didn't really like that place but now I'm in auradon and I'm happy here. I have a boyfriend ben. And life is great. Back when I was on the isle I was steeling things from babies and I sang songs like rotten to the core. And my mom maleficent she treated me like her servant. She said "go get me fairy godmother's magic wand", Maleficent said. I used to think that being bad was good but then I realized there's more to life than taking over the world and steeling things. Ok so now I'm gonna tell you how me and ben met. It was a beautiful day at the isle of the lost villains and villain kids were all over the place. And then me and the other vks started singing rotten to the core. 🎵They say I'm trouble they say I'm bad they say I'm evil and that makes me glad (mal) A dirty no good down to the bone your worst nightmare can't take me home (jay) So I've got mischief in my blood can you blame I never got no love (evie) They think I'm callous a low life hood I feel so useless miser understood (Carlos and everyone) Mirror,mirror on the wall who's the baddest of them all welcome to my wicked world,wicked world! (Mal And evie) I'm rotten to the core,core rotten to the core who could ask for more I'm rotten to the core I'm nothing like the kid next,like the kid next door! I'm rotten to the core! (Everyone)🎶🎵. After the song my mom said. "You four have been invited to attend auradon prep and go to auradon and you guys have to get me the magic wand hahaha", Said maleficent. "What! Auradon with prissy pink princesses and the princes ugh", Said me (mal) . "And I get to meet a prince yay!", Said evie. "Kids come to my lair", Said maleficent. Maleficent and her kid and her friends went in maleficent's lair. And maleficent went in her chair. "Mal honey come to me we are gonna glowing eyes", Said maleficent. "Ok mom", Said mal. Mal move close to each other and both of their eyes start to glow green. "So Mal remember to give me that magic wand", Said maleficent. "Ok mom I will give you it", Said mal. Maleficent hears a honking sound from outside. "Honk honk!", Said the limo. "Oh look your limo is here!", Said maleficent. "Remember to find a prince in that place", Said the evil queen. "Yes mom I will", Said evie. "Bye Carlos stay away from those dogs! They are terrifying", Said Cruella deVill. "Yes I will try to", Said Carlos. "Bye jay have fun in that place", Said jafar. "Bye dad", Said jay. The four vks left the castle and they went inside the limo. And the limo starts moving. And there chocolate on the side and Carlos and jay were fighting for the chocolate. "I want brown thing jay", Said Carlos. "No I want it", Said jay. Evie breaks up the fight. "Stop fighting you guys can both eat the brown treat",Said evie. Evie breaks the chocolate and then gives it to Carlos and jay. "There are you happy now?", Asked evie. "Yes I am this chocolate is so good", Said Carlos. "I love it too Carlos", Said jay. While they were talking they arrived at auradon.  "We're here you can get out now", Said the driver. The vks got out. And fairy godmother,Audrey daughter of sleeping beauty and ben son of belle and beast was standing there and fairy godmother.Hi I'm ben what's your name?", Said ben. "Mal daughter of maleficent you?", Said mal. "I'm ben the one that told maleficent you guys were coming here", Said ben. "Oh right you're ben", Said mal. Audrey starts speaking. "Your maleficent's daughter aren't you", Said Audrey. "Yes I am", Said mal. "I totally not blame your mom for not being invited to my mom's chrisning and stuff ahh", Said Audrey. "Yup that was bad and my mom told me all about it",Said mal. Skip the tour. Later that day me and evie are in our new dorm.  Laying on the bed. "I can't believe we have to be here but there's so many princes and princesses but actually ben is kinda cute", Said mal. "Ohh you have a crush mal?", Asked evie. "Yes fine I do but it's too bad Audrey is with ben", Said mal. "Unless you can do a cookie spell?", Said evie. "Great idea we can start tomorrow", Said mal. "I'm gonna go to sleep mal", Said evie. "Me too evie", Said mal. Evie and mal go to sleep. Evie and mal both go to sleep in their beds.
   End of chapter 1.

Descendants Love Story fanfiction: Mal X BenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon