So, it must be some other reason. Something that compelled him to change his behavior towards me. And I gotta find out what that is.

"If that's how it is", I start with a sigh. "Then look me in the eye and say it."

He shuts his eyes close for a moment, lips pressed tight. But says nothing.

"What went wrong Levi?" I try again. "Yesterday you–"

"Yesterday was a mistake", he cuts me off.

I stare at him. Seconds pass one after another.





"What...?!" It's a whisper.

"You heard me. Yesterday was a mistake", he continues in a formal tone. "My behavior was extremely inappropriate and out of place. I hope you forgive me."

"No..." I'm still whispering. I don't know why. "No! I don't believe that!"

"It doesn't matter what you believe."

"Are you trying to tell me you didn't feel anything towards me? That it was nothing?!" I start hyperventilating. "Or are you regretting it?"

"It does not matter what you believe." He repeats.

"Fuck yes it does!" my voice breaks. "Why are you doing this Levi? I know you felt it. You felt the same connection I did!"

Something changes in his eyes. The cold look is replaced by something else. He looks pained, and tired.

"Eren..." This is the second time he's called me by my name.

"Please don't deny it", I push him. "I–I can see it in your eyes! Then why?! Why are you pretending to ignore everything and cast it all aside?"

Why are you casting me aside?

He stares at me for a long moment, eyes unreadable. I shift my weight from one foot to another; scratch the back of my left hand with my right. I'm waiting. Impatiently. Nervously.

"You won't understand", he exhales. "It's for the best Eren. That's all you need to know."

Is he even serious?

"You can't just end it with a vague excuse like that!"

He massages his temple with his fingers. He looks exhausted. "Fuck it!" he turns to leave.

"Levi!" I cry out. I can't let him do this. I can't let him leave and wonder what happened for the rest of my life. I don't wanna end up doing nothing and living with regrets. I need to know what the matter is. And I need to know now!

"Don't fucking leave without giving me an answer!" I shout, but my voice is laced with fear. Because I know I won't be able to stop him if he truly decides to leave.

He turns around to face me. His eyes lock with mine. How much time passes like that, I don't know. "You know nothing about me", he finally speaks.

I perk up. "Then I will!" I blurt out. "I mean... I... I want to!"

He looks pained again. Did I say something wrong?

"No..." he replies. "You shouldn't. Eren, you... you're just a kid!" he sounds exasperated.

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