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Nine days passed and Blade passed through all of those chaos in the land called Hollow Ocean.
It was a struggle because not only he manage to scared them but also cause a bug scene that made the Sotpinae species scream in terror and called a guards to attacked Blade, but in the end. Blade manage to survived and came back out of the Hollow Ocean country.
Blade are now in the corridor of teardrop, it's a part of the town in Hollow Ocean country that supposed to be bring you to the Mantle Flame. City of Tears are so depressed that made Blade shed some tears while passed too. Damn.
Blade are now in front of the entrance, he opened the gate and a heat of the lava or magma hit him like a potato bag.
Blade slithered quickly into another new country and already sweating messed from all the heat, he could be cooked alive in any second.
Blade just kept going and found one of the species in the country already. It was small, so small that it could be comparing the size and it the size of an arm.
Blade stare at it for a second before it spoke.

"I can smell you, Florian's. You can't fool me." It spoke with the widest smirk spread across it face.

"Shit." Blade mumble under his breath and immediately went away in a swift. The little guy followed but not so fast because of its little paws. Blade move to the corner and hide it, the little creature then run passed and ran toward other direction. Blade sigh in relief that the creature is gone, he poke his head out and began to slithered on another direction. This place is hot as it is and to get to another country is to get to the top of the volcano in this country.
Blade just kept going until he found a large walls covered in languages that written all the information for Blade to continued his journey safely.
He read it all carefully.
'Bottom is filled with magma.'
Already know that.
'Creatures appear from the ground because it half rock.'
Know that too.
'They hate the small of mint.'
Just know that now.
Blade took his bag and started to digging to find some mint leaves but also something was missing.

"Damn, rotten oaks trees! Those creature rob me!" Blade cursed himself and rant for a while about those creature in Hollow Ocean is such a robbery.
Then he pulled out a giant mint leaf and feel satisfied with it.

"That itam probably isn't that important much anyways." Blade mumbled again and then continued his journey toward the large heat area.
It took him more than 4 hours to get through one level of the volcano because of those boulder creature are being so annoying.

+++let change perspective.
You are now some creature in GreenFlora. Name Kamen.+++

Kamen walk down the dirt path to check on Blade brother. He did made the promised to Blade before he leave.
Kamen opened the door opened carefully and look at Aden, who are whining in agony.

"Oh, poor unfortunate being. I wish I could end the pain instantly without death." Kamen spoke quietly as he went in front of the small centipede hybrid.
He petted the head of the small creature and gave him a remedy that supposed to ease the pain for a bit.

"Eat this, you'll feel a bit better." Kamen spoke to Aden, Aden nodded and eat the remedy.
He saw Aden force himself to eat the medicine but he was also glad that the disease bacteria isn't that strong enough to have fully control of Aden eating and drinking yet.
"K-kamen, W-... When B-B..Bwa- wade... C-c-com bwack..?" Aden asked through his coughing, suffering and agony. Aden was also crying in pain, he can't handle it much longer.

"He will, I know he will come back. It just take lots of time. He will return." Kamen replied before turn his head to see the calendar. It already passed 9 days...

"He will... Maybe in a week..." Kamen mumbled and look at Aden with symphaty.
Aden cough again and now, the sound that Kamen wished to never heard just came with that cough.


Aden scream in agony, more tears stream down his face. Kamen took out Aden blanket to see where the broken bone or arms is and to his sight. Aden is a half centipede so one of Aden centipede arm on his body is now out. Broken and apart of his body.

"I-it.. H-hurt..." Aden cried more making Kamen breathing faster and shakinly. No one wanted to watch others suffer from this disease. Nothing. It too painful and suffer.

Kamen ran off and instantly hunting a type of flora to stop the bleeding from Aden body, the bone did not broke but also create bruises and cuts around the body of a young child.
Kamen ran back with the flora and immediately cover Aden cuts with the leaves and petals from the plants and flowers.

"It all going to be okay, just wait... There's two more weeks.." Kamen try to comfort Aden.
Aden look at Kamen with tears filled his eyes and broken.

"A-am I going t-to die?" Asked Aden and Kamen look at Aden, his face lost it color and shocked to heard from a young age to already asked this so thoughtlessly.

"I-it, depend on your brother..." Kamen really don't know how to replied. It not easy to say like.
'If your brother came back, you lived. If your brother still not return, you die with him.'
No, this is a child and Kamen really don't want to hurt this child more than it already is now.
Aden just nodded and sob before falling asleep by exhaustion.

Hopeless ‡ Green Flora ‡ No.3Where stories live. Discover now