Man was it going to be a great meeting for the three who never have even once known to be triplets.

"Captain Rayan!" Jian heard someone yell, but she knew it wasn't her name.

And she knew her name was stitched behind her uniform like an I.D.

'I need to make a turn after I walked passed two long hallways right..?' Jian thought as she instantly and instinctly made a turn when she saw a right pass.

Instantly she bumped into someone her height, and in which she and Rayan both stared in a complete surprise.

"Captain Rayan, ehh!?" Visha yelped when she saw Rayan and Jian stare at each other.

Visha knew that Rayan wore something a bit like the older uniform Tanya wore back around the military mage camp ground in a place that was somewhat completely desserted.

The other wore a somewhat lighter color of the uniform though.

"Woah!" Jian exclaimed in excitement.

Which made Rayan quickly flinch in an instant.

"Rayan, do you have the oth---!??" Tanya instantly froze and got her sentence cut by her own shocked expression.

"T-t-triplets..??" Visha mumbles as she glanced back and fourth unto the three young blonde girls.

Jian giggled, saluting, before saying, "oops! I forgot to introduce myself, i'm Jian! Jian von Degurechaff!"

"D-Degurechaff..?" Rayan mumbles.

"Uh-huh! I was actually expecting that I had a twin since a bunch of people kept on calling me 'major Tanya'..." Jian said.

'I don't just have a twin.!? I'm in some triplet?!? Seriously where did Being X get me this body as my vessel!??' Tanya thought as she glanced back and fourth unto Jian and Rayan.

"My mother did mention I had siblings...but I didn't expect us to be triplets!" Jian giggled.

Tanya weakly smiled as she glanced over to Jian, before letting out a sigh.

" name is Tanya von Degurechaff." Tanya said.

"And i'm Rayan von Degurechaff." Rayan said.

"Well there's a diffrence on us! So it wouldn't be hard to tell!" Jian said.

The three had their uniforms with their own first names sewed unto it. Tanya had her hair non-gelled, Rayan had her left side gelled, and lastly Jian had her right side gelled.

"Ahahahahh! You're the middle child!" Jain smiled over to Tanya who grew a slight nerve from such joyful tone Jian made.

"I'm the first, huh." Rayan gave an unnoticable smirk over the two.

"And i'm the last!" Jian said.

"Hi! What's your name?" Jian asked, after turning over to Visha.

" Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov...Visha for short..?" Visha smiled.

"Ok! Luitenant Visha!" Jian said.

Visha squeeled on the inside from hearing such a cheerful tone of voice.

"I see you're not the type to do work..?" Tanya mumbled.

"What type of work?" Jian asked.

"I've already worked as a newspaper kid, a cook, an entertainer, an actor, and a thief." Jian said.

"Wha--!?!" Tanya began.

"Stealing from others is not working!" Tanya corrected.

"I get paid by people who tried to steal from me first, there's that." Jian shrugged.

Tanya squinted her eyes in complete confusion.

"Being a 'thief' is not a job." Tanya tried to correct Jian.

"To-me-to, Tu-ma-tu, it's the same thing!" Jian still shrugged.

Tanya groaned as she instantly gave up.

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Where stories live. Discover now