You've Got That One Thing

Start from the beginning

I ran out of the elevator, almost forgetting the shopping bags in all my excitement. I looked around the hall and knocked on a few doors before she opened the door. I was stunned. There was something about her that made me have to take deep breaths, and want to stare at her all day. I heard something, as if from far away, and realized I was just standing there. I guess she said something to me because everything in her posture shouted ' I'M WAITING! ' I snapped out of my day dream and tried to speak but got tongue tied.

" Ummm . . . Oh yeeeaah. You . . . urrr . . . dropped your phone? " Darn her good looks and melodic voice. I could only sit there and watch as her door closed. Wait. Her door closed and I am just sitting here. Wow. I just made myself look like a loser in front this girl. Again. What is she doing to me? I knocked after remembering that I have her phone still.

" Did you forget something or are you my personal stalker now? " She asked as she opened the door. I blushed. Thank goodness for this sweater, it hid my face enough to hide it. Or so I hope.

" . . . . . . . . . Oh yeah. Sorry. I was gonna give you your phone but my head is on another world. " More like another planet. She was just too captivating. Oh great. Now I sound like a sappy bloke.

" Words will be just words. Until you bring them to liiiiife. I'll lift you up, I'll never stop. You know I'll take you to another world! " She belted out the lyrics and I was stunned for a while. She had a beautiful voice! " Wow. Um, tough crowd. Ok. Soooo, this is awkward. " She said and with that I was in stitches on the floor. I don't know why but I just felt like laughing. So I did.

" Th-that was s-s-oo-soo FUNNY! Bwahahaha! " I struggled to say through my laughter.

" Good dog. Roll over. Roll over for the dog treat. " She threw a dog treat at me and I ate it. Don't judge! Those things are good.

" Ummm . . . That was something I found in the trash. I really don't think you should have eaten that. Especially since it is made for DOGGSS. " Great. Now she probably thinks that I do this all the time. To hide my embarrassment, I tried to play it off like I didn't care.

" Yeah. I know, but they taste like beef jerky. ' Ughh. Why not just say ' HEY. I EAT DOG FOOD ' and get the embarrassment over with." Anyways, here is your phone. It must have fell out of your pocket on the way out. Oh, and you are American right? The whole time we have been talking, you've had an American accent. " I said trying to turn the conversation around.

" Thanks and yeah, I am proud to be an AMERICAAAAN. Where at least I know I'm free! " Wow. I can tell that this lass loves to sing.

" Haha. I can see that. Well, my name is Niall and I got the luck of the Irish. I didn't catch your name. " Wow. I am such a failure when it comes to talking to girls. I need advice from Zayn. He is the ladies man. Oh, and Harry. Can't forget Harry. Gotta remeber to get tips from those two lads.

" Hey Niall, and yeah you didn't catch my name because it is not catch-able, or touchable. Duhhh. " Okay? I guess I'll have to ask.

" Oh ye- I mean- Never mind. So mind telling me your name? "

" Shyla, but people call my Shy. " Shyla. Shyla. Shyla! I like it. No, I love it!!

" Brilliant! Err. . . I was wondering if I could get your number? " Woah. Did I just ask for her number?

" Sure, wait right here kay? " She walked into her room to get something and just like that, the rest of the night went by in a blur. I barely paid any attention to what happened. So when Shy said she had to go, I walked straight to my room, which is only three doors down. I feel like I am floating, and before going into my room, I turned to Shy and said bye before closing my room door behind me.

Suddenly, I was falling and felt a bunch of weight on me. I looked and saw Louis sitting on me.

" Come on lad. Get off. You have been eating way too many carrots and you are crushing my stomach! " I say to convince the bugger to get off me and he does. Only when he stands up, he walks over to Harry and jumps into his lap. Harry hugs him.

" Hazza! Nialler is being a meanie and called me fat. " He whines to Harry.

" It's okay, Boo-Bear. I think you are perfect. " Harry says while hugging Louis.

" You do? Really? "

" Yes, Lou. I really do. " Louis gives Harry a big kiss on the cheek and Harry just grins, showing off his dimples. Only they would do that. They are called Larry Stylinson for a reason, I guess. I walk over to the living room where all the boys are playing Fifa. I think about Shy. All I can think about is her. Her eyes, her chocolatey hair, her tan skin, and her laugh. Her laugh made me want to laugh with her. It was contagious.

" Ello? ELLLOOO!?! NIALLER!! " I come out of my daze to see Zayn standing infront of me, waving his hand back and forth. I push it away.

" Mate. What were you grinning about? " He asks. I must have been grinning while I was day dreaming about Shyla.

" Oooo. NIALLER HAS A GIIIIRRRLLIE FRIEND! " I push Louis off the couch that he was standing on and try to stop the blush that I know is creeping into my cheeks.

" Shut up. " I mumble and quickly walk to my room before any of the boys can ask questions. I lock the door, throw on some sweats and hop into bed. These hotels have really comfortable beds! I shut my eyes and met Shyla in my dreams. She is everywhere. . . and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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