Chapter 1: Teddygozilla

Start from the beginning

"I volunteer!" Odd said as he raised his hand.

"What did I just say, huh?" Jeremy said.

"Well, have you got any other ideas?" Odd asked.

"There's been two accidents. We can't leave the school unguarded and even if we go back in time, if there's a really bad accident, it's all over." Mel said. "Besides, either way I'm going so they won't be alone."

"Mel is right." Ulrich said. "You go and I'll stay. If I find any clues I'll pass them onto you. Go on. Say hi to you know who for me."

Jeremy nodded as he finally agreed and Odd, Mel and Jeremy made their way down to the Factory.

Once down there, Odd and Mel stayed in the elevator as Jeremy sent them down to the Scanners.

Soon enough, Odd and Mel had been virtualised and landed in Lyoko.

They spotted Aelita who was waving at them and ran over to join her.

"You see that?" Aelita said as she gesture to the massive crater in front of them. "The tower that Xana has activated can't be too far away."

"Well, not down there, anyway." Odd said.

"Maybe on the plateaus nearby." Mel suggested.

The three of them turned around just in time to see some of Xanas monsters approaching them.

"Too late. Here comes the reception committee." Odd said.

"Odd, Mel. Take good care of Aelita." Jeremy told them.

"Don't worry, Jeremy. We will." Mel replied.


"Odd, Mel, what's going on?" Jeremy asked.

Odd was in the midst of dodging the lasers being shot at him as he fired back with his Laser Arrows.

Mel took a protective stance in front of Aelita as she unsheathed her laser blade sword and started deflecting any laser fired at the two of them.

"This way!" Aelita said as she and Mel started running down a narrow pathway leading down into the crater.

Odd was then hit by a laser and Jeremy informed him that he had just lost another ten life points.

"Odd! Mel! I'm afraid we haven't any choice." Aelita said as she gestured to the path they stood on.

Odd suddenly had a vision of Aelita falling off the path and off the platau they were on.

He froze up for a moment, before they started running down the path.

"Odd, be careful you only have fifty life points left." Jeremy told him. "Mel, you've got sixty, but you should still be careful."

"Right." Mel replied as she deflected more attacks.

Odd fired his Laser Arrows at the monsters and managed to get them all except for one which tumbled over the edge and caused Aelita to fall from where she was.

"Aelita!" Mel called out after the girl before she and Odd jumped down after her.

Odd used his claws whilst Mel used her laser blade to grab a hold of the walls of the crater as they used their other hands to catch Aelita.

"We can't leave you alone for one second, huh?" Odd said.

Aelita then looked to the wall infront of her to find a cave of sorts.

"Guys, I think I found something." She said.


"Odd. Mel. Hurry up. Teddy's getting real angry." Jeremy informed them.

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