32- wild amber.

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Next is recess.
Next is recess
Next is recess.
Next is RECESS!

the only thing I kept chanting on my mind the whole of math period.

Why? Like why? Who the fuck wants to study about trigonometry? How is it gonna help a chef in the future?

I just don't get math, it's just so weird I don't understand it!

Mr. Haddish continues with the importance of trigonometry in nautical miles as I just doodle on my planner.

"Ms. Lindt, your attention here please"  I jerk my head upwards and nod slowly.

When will i get out of this-


Th bell rings and I sigh. I shuffle up my stuffs and throw them in my bag and head out the doors. I walk to my locker put in the combination and stuff my bag and books into it. After shutting my locker I walk my way to the cafeteria when a pair of hands grab me by the waist and pulls me towards their body, my back hits a muscled chest. The sweet and calming smell of caiden fills my nostrils and I immediately smile when I feel his body next to mine. I turn within his grasp and I am met with beautiful brown orbs which stare back at my ocean ones. Without hesitation and without the knowledge of everyone heinh in the corridor I crash my lips onto his. He kisses me back with the same force. We kiss for sometimes and when my stomach starts to growl I break the kiss and look at him and give him puppy eyes.

"i am hungry" I say and smile.

"all right, love. Let's go"  he chuckles.

We make our way to the canteen and I buy a club sandwich whereas caiden buys a pizza slice. We both pay for our food and make our way to our table.
I spot nick, Blake, Andrew, Charlie and Sam all sitting and eating.

"you guys are late"  Blake says as we both sit down on the table.

"just a small detour" caiden says smirking. I blush and take a bit of my sandwich.

"yes like I was saying them but you already know caiden, i am having a party day after tomorrow. At my house 8 o'clock. Be there all of you. and also" nick says and then stands up on his chair making alot of noise for the whole canteens attention
"party at my house on Wednesday at 8 be there. You know my address" he shouts to the whole cafeteria and winks at a group of girls sitting at the table opposite ours and they all start giggling.

I look down at my food and just east my food.

"why the glum mood?" caiden nudges my the side of my stomach.

"oh nothing, just hungry"

"it's not nothing I know something is bothering you princess"

"okay." I sigh "I have my math weekly text coming up on trigonometry and I know nothing. The test actually adds in to the mark and I am freaking out" I chuckle.

"it's fine, I'll help, I did last time didn't I and you did score good in that test"

"you would?"

"anything for you, love"


"so if there's sin thirty you can change it to cos ninety minus sixty" caiden explains as I indulge myself in to math.

"okay, so if there's cos thirty it'll be sin ninety minus sixty"

"yes, see you got it. Why were you freaking out so much its kinda easy"

"no not when Mr. Haddish teaches it, he barely explains the basis just goes straight to the question" I pout.

We were currently in caiden's house studying math, we left right after school ended and I texted mom that I  group studying with a friend if I had said her that I am studying with caiden she would have just sent me 'wink' and 'smirk' emojis.

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