12- Pair

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oh. I love Monday's so much. It's school and fun time.
Yea in your dreams I am ever saying that...


i am dressed and already ready for school. I plan on wearing dark blue high waisted jeans and a plain military green hoodie with some converse. And tie my hair in a cute high pony, with a cute military green srunchie.

I am so comfortable in my clothes. It's feels..... Like............

I make my way to my desk and pack my school necessities and zip it up before heading downstairs. Mom and Tyler are already with their coffee and pancakes and I walk over and steal one of Tyler's Nutella covered pancakes.

"aaayyyy" Tyler's whines.

And I laugh at his cuteness.

How the heck is he 17?..

Tyler shoves the rest of the pancakes in his mouth and shouts 'bye' to mom before exiting the house.

"byeee. Love ya" I say to my mother before shutting the front door.

The drive to school was very short than I expected.

After rulers gets his school parking tag he parks into his assigned spot.

"Tyler you coming with me to the reception" I ask as we both exit the car.

"nah. Go along I'll catch up".

"cool" I say before entering the school doors.

I ask some random junior for the direction to the reception.

I reach the reception and open the door to find an empty seat at the desk.
I walk up to the desk and ring the small bell sitting in the side. I always find that small bell amusing so I keep on ringing it.

"cut it out would you" a voice says as a woman mabye in her 30s or 40s walks up to the desk.

"how can I help you?" she says showing the least interest ever.

"um.... Can I get my schedule. My name is amber Lindt"

"uhh.. Yea just a minute" she says and starts shuffling through her desk and types something on her computer and prints out a paper.

"there you go,dear" she says with the fakest smile ever.
I kinda feel bad for her. Her job might be so boring.

I walk out of the reception and see my locker number on the top right corner of the slip of paper.

"208. 208. 208. 208" I mutter trying to find my locker.

Ass soon as I find it the bell rings signaling start of first period.

Just fucking great. My first day of school I am gonna be late for class.

I shuffle through the locker and dump my book and check my schedule for first period. Drama. Cool I can make it in time.

I collect my nesseceties and Large muscular hands shut the locker before I get the chance to.

I turn back to find the mystery man to be non other than. CAIDEN ANDERSON.

"hey love."he whispers in his hot English accent.

What? Did I just think that?.

" umm, Caiden listen I am already late for class. Can we talk later"

"I was probably thinking something like 'nice to meet you to'. Nevermind I can live with that" he says with a a smirk.

"caiden please. I promise we'll talk later. Please don't let me be late to first period." I say and fix my bag on my shoulders.

Hey, Love. [on hiatus] ✔Where stories live. Discover now