25- Cuddling Is Perfect For Fighting sadness

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My eyes flutter open and I see caiden sleeping next to me. His flawless skin, little freckles run down his nose and cheekbones, he sleeps peacefully. My hand goes up to his face and I caress his cheek and run my finger along his lips.

"mornin', Love"

I quickly pull my hand away, but he catches it in mid way.

"I just said morning, I never said stop"

"I was going to stop, I need to use the bathroom" I say and climb out of bed.

"learn to shut your mouth caiden" I hear him mumble under his breath. My lips tug at a small smile.

My eyes widen as I just realize.

Caiden was on the bed, he was next to me!

"why did you sleep on the bed? I said couch or bed" I say turning around.

"actually I was on the couch I came to wake you up then I slept again" he shrugs.


"see the couch"

I turn my head sideways and I see a pillow and some blankets on the  couch with caiden phone beside.

"okay, sorry"

Caidens eyes widen and he looks me up from head to toe and gulps.

Did he just check me out?.

I just woke up. I look UGLY.

I look down and heat creeps up my cheeks as I am just wearing a baby pink loose crop top and some unicorn short shorts. I quickly run to the bathroom and shut the door. I hear caiden chuckle from the other side.

I get out of the bathroom, and see that caiden is not there anymore, I grab some clothes from my bag and enter the bathroom to change

I change to my usual clothes and pack my stuffs along with some of caiden stuffs.

He walks in.

"they are boarding the bus, we gotta go"

"yep, done packing our stuffs"

"thanks...... For...um......the. Packing" he stutters

"your welcome" I say and hop out of the room.

I meet Sam standing outside, and i lock my arms with hers and hop on the bus.

I sit with sam, which pisses off caiden and charlie. We talk about books, the latest celebrity gossip and ofcourse about each other's attire.

By evening the bus reaches my stop, the bus drops our group the last and I bid goodbye to all of them including caiden, and peck him on the cheeks cause he was fighting to 'drop' me off at my doorstep. And the entire group gives 'awe' and I blush hiding myself behind caiden, and charlie shouts "get a room", as caiden did when he kissed Sam.

I reach my doorstep with Tyler  and unlock the door, mom will be a little late today, because she has a critic coming to her restaurant and blah blah.
She texts us that she has prepared some, lasagna in the oven and go to bed early, cause it's a school night.

I change out of my clothes and wear some comfortable clothes, cause I am not in the mood to be cheerful, I am tired.

Before I hit my bed Chelsea hits my memory and I call her straight away.

It rings for a moment and someone picks up.

"hello?"  a male voice says.

"umm.. Is this Chelsea's phone?"

Hey, Love. [on hiatus] ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora