"Amelia! I'm fine. Now stop keeping that man waiting."

Ella said, "I can stay with you."

"No, no. No need." Mallory said, "You came with Ben and Jack..."

"Amelia's groupies!" Ella said.

Amelia smacked her friend's arm. "They are not my groupies!"

Ella smirked. "Yeah they are!" Ella looked over at Mallory, "Honestly Mallory, I can stay."

"It's ok. It is fine." She nodded at the table, "And they waiting for you two."

"Well, they could bring my drink here or I can collect and return here."

Amelia was starting to understand Ella's plan. "I could bring it over." Amelia said, and Ella smiled. "Or you can come with us to our table!" Amelia added and Ella's smile vanished.

Like Ella, Mallory wasn't happy about Amelia's suggestion, "No, Ames, not necessary. Honestly. I am fine here. Stop worrying about me. I fine." She all but huffed, then took a breath, "Both of you need to head over to your table. They are waiting for you. And stop worrying about me. This is my family." Mallory said, albeit that she knew that her friends looked out for her, better than her family. Mallory shook her head. "If you both continue, I will feel really guilty." Mallory said quietly. "Ames, go back to your table and take Ella with you! Ok." Mallory smiled at Ella.

"Ok. But don't be a stranger!" Amelia said when she saw Jack's signal. As they walked across the hall floor, Amelia looked over at Ella. "You ok?"

She nodded.

Throughout the evening they formed various combinations and took part in most of the dances, except, Ella and David kept their reserve. Neither said much to anyone but both took seats as far away from the other as possible.

Half way through the evening, Jack stopped by David, "Dave. Give me a hand." Jack invited as he headed for the bar.

Jack gave the order, and as they waited for the bartender to collect the various drinks Jack leaned his forearms on the counter but turned his head to look straight at David as he said, "This is probably none of my business." His opening sentence had David glancing at him with a raised brow. "You have some something going on? You and Ella."

"Something." Muttered David and also braced his forearms on the counter. "Why? What did Amelia told you?"

Jack thought about how to phrase what he wanted to say, then he decided to be blunt. "Amelia's told me nothing. She said to ask you."

David grinned at his friend and foster brother. "Stubborn?"

"You don't know the half of it." Jack replied with a smile. "So what's the story with you and Ella?"

"No story."
"Then why did she look like you'd broken her heart when you kissed Lise today?"

"What?" David straightened, his feigned disinterest evaporating like a puff of smoke.

"She was gutted." Jack repeated bluntly and watched David carefully. Emotions flitted through David's eyes. Jack was astonished to see a smile slowly break as David relaxed. "Dave, it wasn't amusing. Gut wrenching, yeah. The saddest thing I ever saw."

"Are you sure?"


"She was sad?" David asked.


David ran a hand through his hair before he said quietly and honestly, "Ten years ago she got under my skin." He took a breath. "Two years ago, when she moved into town, I realised she was still there, and I was still in way over my head."


"She'd walk into a room and my lungs ceased up. So for two years I avoided her. Made sure I didn't have to meet her." He blew out a breath, "Then you started to see Amelia."

"What does..."

"Amelia and Ella are best friends, you know that."

"Yeah, but..."

"I would see her often, now." David pointed out, and waited for Jack to acknowledge that.

"Yeah. Ok, I get that."

"Three months ago I knew that I had to get her out of my system, which is why when Amelia suggested Ella I hired Ella to do the house. Time to get her out of my system. Two weeks ago I made sure there were other women around whenever Ella came to the house, safety in numbers. Less chance of not sticking to my intentions to get her out of my system. Less than four hours ago I knew I had no hope of ever being able to get her out of my system."

"What are you talking about Dave? What happened four hours ago?"

"I kissed her."

"Who? Ella?" Jack frowned. "When?"

"When we won the tug." David replied.

"We all kissed her." Jack said dryly remembering he'd kissed her too. Everyone had kissed the two girls.

"Maybe. But we are on different pages re those kisses."

"I knew when I looked into her eyes I was in too deep. Fuck. I was so desperate to taste her that I would have done anything. Did you feel like that? That you wanted to dismember every guy that kissed her? That you didn't care if the entire town saw you make out with her on the school paddock?" The waiter approached and David took a deep breath before slowly exhaling.

Jack massaged his neck, waited for the waiter to put the bottles on the tray, and move off again to collect some glasses before he said, "When you put it like that, no, can't say I did." The waiter returned. Jack handed him some notes and told him to keep the change. Then he picked up the tray and handed it to David. "So what are you going to do about it?"

"How the fuck would I know?" David took the tray. "She freezes me off. If it hadn't been for that kiss, I'd never have known anything."

"I guess, she kissed you back." Jack collected the stack of glasses.

That memory surfaced. "Oh yeah." Some kisses were more memorable. And this kiss was extraordinary and haunting. All because it was her. A short kiss. Barely a kiss. But it was unforgettable.

"Well that's good isn't it?" Jack watched his brother's face saw the unexpected emotions that passed through his brother's eyes. Happy. Pleased. Worried. Concerned.

David said, tongue-in-cheek, "Yes, if I planned on rolling her around in mud, dragging her through a tug of war and winning, just so that I could claim a kiss." But given his situation, that particular plan could be the best available.

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