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IT HAD BEEN A COOL, BREEZY FALL DAY WHEN REILLY NOVAK APPROACHED HER FOR THE FIRST TIME. At only eleven years old, Sienna couldn't understand why an eighth grader would possibly want to sit with a sixth grader during lunch. Especially an awkward sixth grader like her, who tended to sit alone most days and draw or read, leaving most of the socializing to her sister. But one day Reilly had plopped down on the picnic table next to her with a dimpled grin on her face, dark frizzy curls of unruly hair spilling over her shoulder as she snuck a glance at Sienna's drawing. "Is that a hummingbird?" She had asked, eyebrows furrowed together.

Timid young Sienna had hummed in confirmation, then admitted shyly, "It's my favorite bird."

"I'm more of a hawk kind of girl," Reilly had admitted with a shrug. "But you're so talented! Can I see more?" 

And so, even though Sienna was nervous about showing her artwork, she couldn't help but hand the sketchbook over. She watched intently as Reilly flipped through it, surprised at how genuine the brunette's voice sounded as she continued to praise the artwork. 

From there on out, the two girls spoke to each other every day and often hung out together. Any time Caroline spearheaded a hang-out or a party, Sienna always made sure to invite Reilly. The brunette had a way of coaxing Sienna out of her shell, and slowly, the blonde started opening up to more people. But no matter how well of a friendship she developed with Bonnie and Elena, or Matt and Tyler, or even Nate― none of them compared to how close Sienna had felt with Reilly.

At first, she didn't understand it. Sienna was young, and she had never known a girl who crushed on other girls before― she had never seen it, and she didn't know how it felt. All Sienna knew was that one day, Reilly's fingertips brushed her arm when they were walking home together, and butterflies erupted in her stomach. And when Reilly smiled at her, or laughed at something she said, it made her feel warm inside. The two girls spent so much time together, it was pretty rare to see them apart. They went on runs in the morning, hung out after school, and once Sienna hit high school, they even joined the track team together. 

She was fifteen when she finally admitted to herself that she had a crush on Reilly Novak. And when she chalked up the courage to tell Reilly how she felt, Sienna was surprised to hear that the brunette reciprocated her feelings.

It was new and strange to her, but it felt right. Sienna really liked who she was with Reilly. She liked the Sienna who wasn't afraid to speak her mind; who felt like she was actually somebody, and not just Caroline's sister. And she really liked the way it felt when Reilly touched her. Reilly was strong and confident, assertive and straightforward... but when she touched Sienna, there was a gentleness that fell off of her fingertips and onto Sienna's skin like silk. Her kisses were always deep and emotional, always soft and loving. Some of the best nights of Sienna's first two years of high school were spent in Reilly's bed, the two love-struck girls giggling over things she couldn't recall― but those things didn't matter, because Sienna would never forget how it felt to make love with Reilly in that bed. It was messy and new and nerve-wracking and blissful and worth it. It was so worth it. 

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