The Maknae's Love (part 1)

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You are so beautiful, beautiful, so beautiful...


"Hyung, Hyung! Come on! Hurry up! I can't be late!" Jungkook urged the other, as he impatiently tapped the floor with his feet.

"Patience, patience. I am trying to make you the best cof-"

"Forget about the best coffee, Hyung!" Jungkook slammed his hands on the counter, slightly startling the older man. "It's my last first day today! I really can't be late!"

"Last first day, huh?" Seokjin smiled fondly at the younger and he gave Jungkook a better look."I can't believe your final year at university is starting. I remember when you first came here... you were such a small, precious, little bean-"

"What? I was never small! Are you talking about Jimin-hyung now?"

"At least, back then you didn't talk back. But, ah, yes... Jiminie. My tiny baby."

Seokjin's eyes were now almost filled with tears, he was getting emotional early in the morning for absolutely no reason and Jungkook really, really didn't have time for this.


Jungkook slightly turned his head at the new voice and smiled when he saw Namjoon. He rarely came to the café that early, it was usually Seokjin who did the opening, but Namjoon was already wearing his apron and didn't look sleepy at all, so it seems like he was about to start work early today.

"What's in there, Hyung?" Jungkook asked, as he curiously eyed the small bag with the café's name on it.

"You're in a hurry, right? I made you black coffee. I added a few cookies and I packed you a sandwich as well. I heard your schedule on Monday is full, so who knows when you'll get the chance to eat."

Jungkook's eyes literally started shining upon hearing that and he grabbed the bag.

"Thank you, Namjoon-hyung! This is why you are my favourite Hyung!"

Jungkook grinned widely and ran out of the café. Namjoon waved at the boy and smiled, but just then he felt chills on his back and turned to his left - Seokjin was glaring at him.

"How dare you?"


Namjoon stepped back a little when Seokjin charged forward and jabbed him in the chest.

"You can't be Jungkook's favourite Hyung!" Seokjin furiously continued poking the other and Namjoon let out an ouch after ouch. "He's supposed to love me the most! He's the maknae! You can't take away the maknae's love from me, because I-"

Seokjin's outburst was immediately ceased when a pair of lips landed over his own and the strong arms, which were now wrapped around his waist, made him melt a bit.

"Don't I give you enough love?"

Seokjin's glare softened upon Namjoon's question, but he was still kinda mad.

"I don't know. Kiss me again, so I can decide."

Namjoon let out a short laugh, as he leaned in again.


✔️ Soundless Symphony | Yoonkook (teacherxstudent)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin