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Dean, Sam, and Y/N are sitting on the couch, waiting. Missouri then escorts a man out of the house.

"All right, there. Don't you worry 'bout a thing? Your wife is crazy about you," The man thanks her, and she closes the front door behind him. "Whew. Poor bastard. His woman is cold-bangin' the gardener."

"Why didn't you tell him?" Dean asks.

"People don't come here for the truth. They come for good news," The three stare at her. "Well? Sam, Y/N, and Dean, come on already, I ain't got all day." She leaves the room. Dean, Sam, and Y/N exchange a confused look and follow her into the next room. "Well, let me look at ya." She laughs. "Oh, you boys grew up handsome." She then looks at Y/N and holds her hands. Missouri feels a slight shock in her hand and senses something, but decides to stay quiet about it. "And you, my dear. You grew up... so beautiful." She then points a finger at Dean. "And you were one goofy-lookin' kid, too. And I could easily see which twin got the looks," she says, gesturing to Y/N. Dean glares at her while Sam and Y/N smirk. "Sam," Missouri grabs his hand. "Oh, honey... I'm sorry about your girlfriend." The three are shocked. "And your father—he's missin'?"

"How'd you know all that?" Sam asks.

"Well, you were just thinkin' it just now." Sam raises his eyebrows, surprised.

"Well, where is he? Is he okay?"

"I don't know," Missouri says.

"Don't know? Well, you're supposed to be a psychic, right?"

"Boy, you see me sawin' some bony tramp in half? You think I'm a magician? I may be able to read thoughts and sense energies in a room, but I can't just pull facts out of thin air. Sit, please." Sam and Y/N smirk at Dean, and they sit down. Missouri snaps at Dean. "Boy, you put your foot on my coffee table; I'm 'a whack you with a spoon!"

"I didn't do anything."

"But you were thinkin' about it." Dean raises his eyebrows. Sam smiles, and Y/N laughs.

"Okay. So, our dad—when did you first meet him?"

"He came for a reading. A few days after the fire. I just told him what was really out there in the dark. I guess you could say...I drew back the curtains for him."

"What about the fire? Do you know about what killed our mom?" Dean asks.

"A little. Your daddy took me to your house. He was hopin' I could sense the echoes, the fingerprints of this thing."

"And could you?" Sam asks.

"I..." She shakes her head.

"What was it?" Y/N asks.

"I don't know. Oh, but it was evil," Missouri says softly.


"So... you think somethin' is back in that house?"


"I don't understand."

"What?" Sam asks.

"I haven't been back inside, but I've been keepin' an eye on the place, and it's been quiet. No sudden deaths, no freak accidents. Why is it actin' up now?"

"I don't know. But Dad goes missing and Jessica dies, and now this house is all happening at once—it just feels like something's starving."

"That's a comforting thought," Dean says.


Upon answering the door, Jenny sees Sam, Y/N, Dean, and Missouri.

"Y/N, Sam, Dean. What are you doing here?"

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