Rule-Breakin' Baby

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"You're not living unless you're breaking the rules. Nobody ever got anything out of being docile and complacent. Anything."

"How rebellious we are, skipping class," Gerard rolled his eyes. "A couple of regular delinquents."

"Jesus, can you have a better attitude please?" Unlocked my car and opened the driver door. "You're being such a killjoy." Climbing inside, I opened the passenger door and swung it open.

"For your information, I've gotten plenty from complacency." Gerard sniped, getting inside.

"Yeah? And what's that?" I turned the key in the ignition. "Seasonal depression?" Gerard just huffed and look out the passenger window. "You're gonna have fun, if it's the last thing I do."

Gerard seemed very unenthusiastic about skipping, which I found very odd. It's not like he enjoyed school, he was just as exhausted of it as I was. I played the radio at full volume and sang as loud as I could. Soon, another voice joined me, albeit faint. I glanced over to see Gerard gently mouthing the words as we drove along.

I stopped the car at a common hangout for me. A small wooded patch in a secluded part of town, fit with wildlife and shady occult graffiti. "This is it." I said, hopping out. "My favorite spot in the world."

Gerard tentatively stepped out and surveyed the area. "Nice, I think."

"You'll like it." I started walking in. "C'mon."

I led him down a path to the center of the forest. We were fairly silent through this, only the crunching of leaves and chirping of birds were the soundtrack to our outing. The forest center was a four-pronged fork in the road, contested by about twenty square feet of dirt path. Gerard stumbled back when I stopped him with my arm.

"Which way do you want to go?" I asked, turning to him and grinning. "Choose wisely sugarplum."

"Why?" His face twisted in concern. "Is one one way gonna get us murdered or something?"

"No, just pick one!" I said, giving him a gentle push.

"Um, okay...." Gerard examined each path, but seemed disappointed that each one looked almost identical. "That one I guess." He pointed to a far left path.

"Okay, to the left it is!" I walked straight past him down the left path, shoving m hands in my pockets. We walked in silence once more to a little creek, where I twirled back to Gerard and smiled. "Looks like you chose well, friend."

"Looks like it," he agreed. "Don't you know where all the paths lead, though?" He tilted his head and stepped towards the rushing water.

"Yeah, but I thought it would be cool to let you pick." I shrugged, sitting on a large, flat rock. "To like, see where you would take us, you know?" I started unlacing my boots, setting them next to the rock.

"Oh I see," He said. "What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna get in the water a little bit," I said, pulling off my socks. "You're more than welcome to join me if you'd like."

"Um..." Gerard looked at the water rushing by, biting his lip. "Sure, why not."

"That's the spirit!" I stood up and carefully walked to the edge of the creek, trying not to destroy the pads of my feet as I went. One big step and I was ankle-deep in the icy, babbling stream. I breathed deep and turned around to see Gerard rolling up his pant legs. "Ready?" I said with a teasing smile.

"As I'll ever be." He took a small step and hissed, sucking in a breath. "Fuck, it's cold."

"It is water." I held out my hands. "Here, let me help you, it gets kinda slippery 'cause of the algae." Gerard looked at me funny, but took my hands anyway so I could lead him farther in. "That's it, you got it man." Soon, we were both standing in the water, watching little fish swim past our feet.

"They're so small." Gerard marveled, moving his feet, careful not to step on a fish. "I've never seen fish this tiny."

"Yeah, they're little guys," I agreed. "They get bigger, but not by much."

We waded around for a few minutes, making small talk about family and school and things. I was a little surprised to find out that Gerard's only friend was his younger brother Mikey, who was two years behind us. How does this guy not have any other friends? Poor kid. There was no way I was going to let that one slide, thus created an idea: "Turn Gerard's Damn Life Upside Down But In A Good Way, haha, 'Way.' Get it?" That was the elongated name, of course. The shortened name would be thought of later, because there was a cry, a flailing of limbs, and a loud splash that demanded my attention at the moment.

There he was; Gerard sat like a fallen angel in the water. The delicate cuffs he had made in his pants to keep the water away had been made a joke of, soaked in crisp creek water. Shock and embarrassment looked up at me through greasy disheveled hair; this angel did not know why he had been thrown so violently from the heavens.

Laughter rose from my chest before I could stop it. I didn't want to laugh and make him feel bad, so I quickly canned it and offered to help him up. It took a few times of him falling on his knees (thus getting the front of himself wet as well) before he was completely up.

"You're not hurt, are you?" I looked over his hands for scratches.

Gerard hastily brushed his hair out of his face and shook his head. A pink tint was rushing over his face, but I decided not to tease him about it. "No, I'm fine, just..." he looked down at his legs. "Wet."

"That's what she said!" I yelled, laughing and running to my shoes. "You better hurry up before you get even more soaked." I made suggestive wiggly eyebrows at him and grinned.

"Stop it."

"Oh, Gerard! Ah, uh..ah ah!" I made fake moaning noises after him while he pulled on his shoes. "Gerard, harder baby, uhhnnn.."

"Stop it Y/n."

"Fine, you spoilsport." I smirked and started walking back down the path. "Coming or not?" I called back at him.

"I'm coming!" He yelled, running up next to me.

"I'm coming!" I mocked in another moan, cracking myself up.

"Oh my God, Y/n."

You Brought Me Your Love (Gerard Way x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now