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I am going to get something from my mind.

It is just a full expression of what i am thinking this time.
i usually didn't use my mind. that's it.

every time I miss you. I die.
oh! hey you're okay? I'm not.

something makes me feel like a candle. slowly dies.

hey? are you with me?
blink of tears makes me happy.
link those things to insanity.
let your heart lead you.
tell me. lie about the whole time we spend. hey? can you hear me?

Tear me with those memories that can't protect the future,
i'll end up thinking i am on an extreme Punctures,
I have a dream about knives,
and it was under the table of my seat, from about ten to five,
i wanted to hear some cheerful jive,
until i count one to thirteen and blood - dive.

a poetry of insanity.
makes me feel insane.
let me explain something down uneasy.
let me swim in vain.

welcome to my book of tears and laughter.
place me deep inside a casket.
wake up! please don't tell anyone.
I'm not dead. I'm just sleeping peacefully.

welcome visitor (s) to my mind.

be careful. good night.

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