No one came. I sighed and turned around, ready to walk away when the door suddenly opened, making me freeze to the spot.

"Hello?" A female voice said, her tone coming of a little rude. I turned back around, seeing a very pretty looking girl dressed in an oversized t-shirt standing at the door.

I knew Will didn't have any siblings and I'd already met him mum so it wasn't her. Who was she?

"Um, hi." I say politely, staring into her aqua blue eyes. They were very beautiful and reminded me of the ocean. She had shoulder length blonde hair and a petite nose.

"What do you want?" She sighs and looks at me as if she was uninterested about anything I had to say.

Maybe she was a cousin?

"I'm looking for Will, is he in?" I ask her, noticing her features turn angry at the mention of Will's name.

"Oh so your the slutty ex girlfriend who cheated on him! How nice to meet you!" She says sarcastically, a fake smile plastered across her face.

"Excuse me?" I say, lost for words.

"Well, I'm sorry, he's not available right now. Me and him are...busy." She says with a smirk.

I see a figure walk up to the door and soon realise it's Will. He snakes an arm around her waist and then our eyes connect. We stay like this for a while, my heart aching with pain.

He finally breaks out of our trance. "Rachel...what are you doing here?" He questions, his voice sounding different. It was almost like I was a stranger to him...

My eyes flicker between the two of them as time seems to slow down. I feel another stab at my heart.

Had he already moved on?

"I actually came to uh...get some of my stuff." I lie through my teeth, stopping myself from crying and embarrassing myself. In a way it was true since I'd normally leave spare clothes at his place when I came over.

"Yeah, of course." He said, moving along to the side so I can get in. I could see from the corner of my eye blondie glaring holes through my head.

"No, it's fine Will, I'll come back another time." I say, feeling awkward. Coming here was such a bad idea. It's like my heart just broke all over again...

"Just do it now Rachel, get it done and over with." He says, looking uncomfortable in the situation.

"No, you guys are clearly busy and I don't want to disturb you." I say, the hurt evident in my voice.

I walk away, hearing the door slam shut seconds later. In all honesty, I didn't want to get my stuff because it would make our breakup feel more real, as if it was really over but I didn't want to believe it even though deep down I knew it was.

As I'm walking down the pathway, I hear a familiar voice call out for me and turn around to see Zane in his car, his window rolled down.

I ignore him, walking faster. What I was I feeling right now was too much for Zane to just make a joke out of it and make me feel worse...if that's possible.

"Rachel!" He shouts again, slowing the car down so we're side by side. I didn't understand what went on in the idiot's brain, couldn't he get the message that I clearly wanted to be alone.

"Rachel, what's the matter, I'm trying to help you?!" He shouts, frustrated.

"I don't want your help Zane, just leave me alone!" I shout harshly, regretting it the moment it happens.

He looks hurt for a second before masking it over with his usual cold face.

"Zane, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, I just-" He cuts me off.

"It's fine, I'll leave you alone like you asked." He snapped, speeding off without a second glance.

What is it with me always pushing people away...

*A few hours later*

I lost track of time as I sat in a little café, reminiscing on how shit my day had been. I ordered a cup of tea, waiting on its arrival.

Not only did I not have a place to sleep right now due to arguing with my mum, I had completely lost Will's interest and the one person who was kinda helpful throughout it..Zane.

Normally when me and my mum argued, I'd stay at Will's and it wouldn't be a problem. I shook my head at how reliant I was on him.

My entire life revolved around him...and now life seemed pointless.

I scrolled down my contact list, landing on Zane. I knew I needed to ask him since I practically had no other option. I then typed my message.

I'm sorry about what I said earlier today :(

He responds almost instantly.

It's cool, it's all in the past now x

My heart did a little somersault but I ignored it, typing.

Is it okay if I crash at your place tonight???

I hoped it didn't come off the wrong way but I still hoped he'd say yes. I could almost imagine him sighing before answering my text.

Where should I pick u up? x

I smiled as I read his message again. I adored the fact that he didn't ask any questions or turn me down. I needed a friend like this right now.

Since when did I become friends with Zane?!?

Hope you enjoyed <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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