author's note

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a/n: (what do i even say here) hello! this is a short story with a lot of really short chapters. each chapter is going to be a conversation between the main characters and other people. the order is going to be just as it says on the summary: nora, matt, gary and holy. so yeah, even tough it sounds kind of 'serious' and like the characters have an awful life, it's actually a pretty light story with a hint of humour (and very bad language). also most of our dear characters are hella gay so beware. anyways, i hope you like the journey through their lives c: xx warning: some parts might be confusing and there isn't any physical description of the characters of any kind (except one part where the hair color is mentioned). the story is not only focused on their obsessions, is more of the persons who have them and their life's. also, keep in mind that there is a mindnumbingly abuse of the f- word and general cursing. enjoy.

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