opening up about your dark past

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requested by katerinaX2003 enjoy !! ❤️💕💞

young luther;

    • would be intensely listening
    • probably talk as soon as you finish
    • hug you and tell you its going to be okay, you're with him now

  young diego;
    • stuttering but only because he's happy you're here with him now
    • closes his door so none of the others can hear (he knows you will probably want to tell the others on your own)
young allison;

    • tries to make you smile after
    • ice cream !!!!

young klaus;

     • probably already knows tbh
     • hes very accepting
     • hugs, hugs, hugs ahhh!!

young five;

      • silent until you finish
      • probably switches the topic because he knows that was a lot for you and doesn't want to make it worse for you
      • he's more open to you after

young ben;

      • cuddling after
      • opening up about his own past

young vanya;

      • crying for you ? idk i feel like she's very emotional
      • holding your hands
      • whipping your tears



      • opening up about his own dark past
      • sleeping together (NOT LIKE THAT) after


      • cooking for you after
      • not bringing it up and just making sure you're happy
       • comfortable silence uwu

       • ordering chinese food or pizza
       • listening until the end and giving you advice


       • is drunk while you two go into a deep conversation
       • it accidently slips but he doesn't mind and just listens
       • relates to you and opens up about his

       • makes you coffee (or tea?) while you talk
       • holding hand and rubs circles on the back of your hand


       • wraps you in blankets
       • makes tea
       • doesn't let you leave her apartment after and makes you sleep on her bed saying it's too late for you to leave (sis it was like 3pm)

     hey, i'm sorry i closed the request mark i have so many things coming up this year i wont be able to take anymore requests.. i'm also sorry to the ones that requested recently i'm afraid i don't have time ti do them so this will be the last request until i have free time ♡

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