fancy dates (younger)

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requested by mariaculous enjoy !! ❤️💕💞 (side note; im so sorry i couldn't do two ages I just don't have time 😅)


    You slip on your other shoe to match your (f/c) dress; your dress was (long/short) and was perfectly (loose/tight). It made you feel beautiful. You curled your (h/c) hair and [or if shorter/no hair you can just leave it] applied little to no makeup– you didn't need a lot. You rushed down your stairs upon hearing the door bell ring and your parents voice. "Coming!" You shout skipping to the last step and looking up, catching blue eyes. Luther smiles at you and takes your hand, not after your parents embarrassed you by gushing at how cute your puppy love was. After that your parents offered to take you to the restaurant of your choice; which happens to be (r/o/c). "So my parents adore you." You giggle taking Luther's hand as you two walk into the restaurant. "I hope so." Luther smiles proudly.


    You tied your hair neatly into a bun, putting a white clop through it before exiting your room. Your mom offered to give you a ride and you gladly accepted but was held back by father warning you about "boys this and boys that." of course you had to remind him how old you are and he has nothing to worry about with Diego (at least not at this age). You met Diego at the restaurant and found him sitting at a table nervously muttering to himself. You chuckle walking over catching his eyes. He seemed to perk up and stand, pulling out your chair out and pushing back in once you have seated. "You, uh, you look g-g-great." You smile at Diego's stutter and rest a hand on top of his calming him down. "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself."


   Allison picked you up from your house, Grace in the front seat as your guys driver. "Have a great time sweetie." Your mom offers a small smile before shutting the door behind you. You let a sigh out before grabbing Allison's hand and pulling her towards the car happily. "Your parents seem super nice." She smiles as she shuts the car door and asking Grace to take you to (r/o/c). "Yeah, they just are a bit confused since we are 'so young'. It's whatever though. They're happy for us." You two smile at each other as the car slows to a stop. Grace turns around and smiles waving a goodbye before speeding off. She always seemed a bit weird to you but you never questioned it; she was nice. Allison dragged you in the the restaurant almost squealing in excitement.


     Knocking on the Hargreeves mansion, you nervously check yourself with a small mirror you brought. The door suddenly swung open causing you to jump and look up at the person. It was Klaus. He shut the door behind him apologizing quickly before turning back to you. You raise and eyebrow and scan his outfit. It was lovely; the only thing wrong was his tie. "Need help?" Klaus nods, relief flooding his face as you grasp two ends of the tie and neatly fix it. He seems to almost blush at the contact but quickly get over himself when he heard giggling from behind the door. "Let's go before they start anything." You agree and take Klaus's outstretched hand and walk all the way to the restaurant, casually talking and cracking a few jokes.


    You giggle at the sight, Five decided having a nice dinner at his house would be the best place, so he was running around the table trying to get everything done before you came over. You watch as he checks his watch, his face draining color. It's been a couple minutes since the time you were supposed to arrive. Five's eyes travel from the table to the door way, seeing you already smiling at him; a sparkle in your eyes. Five smiles at you and shakes his head, walking over to you and swiftly kissing your cheek. "I didn't hear you come in. Guess I got carried away." Five scratches the back of his neck but you only shake your head and rest a hand on his shoulder. "It looks great." You reassure seeing Five smile back and lead you to your seat.


       You look at yourself in the mirror one last time, the (f/n) from your dress barely calming your nerves. You were excited, yes, but also a nervous wreck seeing as both you and Ben were shy so there would be awkward talk. Hopefully you would overcome your fear before he shows up and you two have a great time. "Y/n!" Your dad grunts from downstairs causing you to scurry out your room and down the stairs. You reach the last step and let your dress hit your (knees/ankles) as you meet Ben's deep chocolate eyes. He breathes out, staring wide-eyed at you causing you to blush. "Photos!" Your mom comes out from the kitchen squealing only causing your face to burn more. "Uh, No! I think- I think we are already late! Bye guys!" You stutter pushing Ben out the door and closing it behind you two. "Y/n, We have a couple minutes before we need to be there."


      You two were already in her room, getting dressed together and helping with each other's hair. "You two ready?" Graces pokes her head through the crack of the door, seeing you two finished and sitting on Vanya's bed. You smile and nod, grabbing Vanya's hand and following her mom out the room. "Don't have too much fun." Allison calls from her room causing the other kids to poke their heads out and watch you two. "Go, Vanya." Klaus winks giving her a thumbs up earning a blushing Vanya. "Okay you guys. Bye!" You said waving them off and watching Five close the door but not before patting Vanya on the head. "Im sorry about them." Vanya blushes again as you open the door for her. "Don't be. I think your families great. Especially you." You wink causing the brunette to blush more– if thats even possible.

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