finding out you're a demon

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requested by bisexualgirl08 enjoy !! ❤️💕💞

    Young luther;

   • he wouldn't know how to react to be honest
   • it would take him a few days to adjust from this type of information

  Young Diego;

    • wouldn't believe you at first but once you showed him you really are
    • that boy got more protective over you
    • even though you're a badass and can take care of yourself

    Young Allison;

  • like Luther she would need a moment (more like seconds) to comprehend it
  • right after she would be totally okay and act like everything was normal

   Young Klaus;

  • this boy would have the nerve to ask you to start fires more
  • though you told him multiple times what a demon really was
  • he insisted he has watched enough movies to understand

  Young Five;

   • wouldn't believe you tbh
   • he thinks its fake but won't push it past that
   • when you show him he's just really confused
   • kind if exciting that he knows a demon

   Young Ben;

   • scared baby boy
   • he acts like he isn't but he gets shy around you again
   • you have to reassure him how being a demon works before he trusts you again

   Young Vanya;

    • shes kind of bummed she now knows another person not normal
    • but she grows to adore you for your bravery of telling her


    • confused? worried?
    • worried for your safety of course because he doesn't understand
    • "So, were is your tail and horns?"


   • His stuttering comes back when he rants to you (hes kind of startled)
   • calms down once you assure him that he will be okay and that you aren't like the movie demons
   • will joke about you being a cliche demon and will buy you horns just saying


   • she's kind of scared, concerned
   • for her kid of course
   • doesn't know how to react
   • probably wont hear from her for a few days before she calls you and asks you to meet up and explain


     • instantly asks for you to show him what you can do
     • is amazed and will ask so many questions
     • brags about you accidentally exposing you


     • literally no emotion towards it
     • but is a bit skeptical in his head
     • probably will use it against you teasingly (or not teasingly)


    • is used to crazy stuff like this seeing as her brother is half ape, she knows a chimpanzee, and her moms a robot
   • but she will ask questions as time goes on, just stupid small questions

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