Love Live! Fantasy! Chapter 25 "Matter Of Time"

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"She'll be fine, she needs rest for now though," Zara replied and looked at Chika. "Chika. May I have a talk to you outside?" Chika looked at him with her body standing up straight. "Uhh... yeah, sure."

"And may you four mind giving us some privacy too?" He asked and the others nodded. Chika and Zara walked outside and was just standing looking at each other. "So, what do you want to talk about?" Chika asked.

"You're from a couple of hundred years in the future, aren't you?" He asked. Chika was shocked and her heart stopped for a second. "Y-yeah... but how did you know?" She asked.

"I see you were holding the Achilles sword and shield that I made, and I only made one just for Honoka to wield. I didn't think another person would be able to resonate with Achilles other than Honoka."

"But, that's not all I wanted to talk about, I was worried when you were going out your full power. It's like you had trouble controlling it earlier." Chika smiled and had her arms around her back head.

"Hehe, there's nothing to worry about. I've grown a whole lot since I've wielded Achilles 4 months ago." Chika giggled. "My resonance has made me more powerful than ever!" Zara gave Chika a serious look.

"You are sadly mistaken." He replied. "Huh?" Chika stopped smiling. Zara was pointing at her. "You may not know it, but your resonance is corrupt." Chika was shocked and speechless on what she is hearing. "What do you mean? That can't be right."

"In your urge for a quest of power, you've resorted to dominate Achilles against its will." He said. "Wait, what? That can't be true!" She gave a worried face.

"Resonance is the bond you've form with your magic power. Does that bond exist, for you and Achilles?" He asked. "Well, of course, Achilles and I are one and the same. Because whatever pain Achilles feel, I feel as well." She replied and had her hand on her chest.

"But you're wrong. That pain is a sigh from Achilles to warn you of pending danger. I know it's hard to believe but it's true." He sighs. Chika looked down and got really worried. "So, now what?"

"In order to regain your resonance with Achilles again, you have to overcome it." He replied. "And how do I overcome it then?" She gave Zara a tired look. "That, you have to find out yourself." Chika sigh and looked down.

"Hey..." He had his hand on her shoulder. "Everything will be fine, I know you're stress from all of this but don't think too much about. Take it slow." He said with her nodding. Zara opened the door with Muse falling down.

"Eh, you three? What are you doing?" Chika blushingly asked them. "Oh, us? Eh... hehehe..." Honoka scratches her head. "These two wouldn't stop listening to your conversation so I tried to get them to stop." Umi looked away.

"Don't lie Umi-Chan! You were listening as well, you were more interesting than I was!" Honoka yelled at her. "I was not!" Umi yelled back and blushes out. "So, is it true you're from the future?" Kotori asked Chika.

"Umm, well... uhh..." Chika couldn't speak properly and kept on stuttering. "If you are from the future, what's it like? What am I like?" Honoka excitedly asked her. Chika was walking back a bit.

"Will we defeat King Zavok?" Kotori asked. "Will I get a future husband?" Umi asked her. Zara chopped the three of their heads lightly. "Oww... what was that for Zara-Chan!? ;-;" Honoka cries out.

"Sorry you three, but it's better not knowing what our future is like or else time is gonna change. Like the butterfly effect, the less we know about the future, the better." He replied. The three had their heads down and nodded. "Okay..." The three said.

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