Chapter 10

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Classes were to start on Monday, and they had arrived at the castle on Thursday. The two spent most of their time together, just talking and enjoying each other's company. The rest of the school was giddy with excitement at having the two of them there, and they had plenty of people vying to get their questions answered when they showed up to meals.

On Sunday, Draco sent Harry to lunch without him. He used the excuse of needing a shower, but really he wanted to start teasing him.

When he arrived at lunch, he saw Harry sitting at the Gryffindor table and waved while he turned to talk to some of his friends in Slytherin. He didn't want to take too long, but it would be worth it to see Harry blush in impatience.

Sure enough, Harry was shifting impatiently after a few minutes. Draco was leaned over the table, picking up random things to munch on as he listened to Blaise and Pansy gush about their summer. He straightened up, just enough to look at Harry and bit into the piece of fruit he had in his hand. When he saw Harry blush, he winked at him and politely dismissed himself from the Slytherins.

Sitting next to Harry, he joined the conversations around him. Sensing Harry's annoyance at being left alone, Draco ruffled his feathers.

In his peripheral, he saw Harry practically melt into a puddle on the floor. They hadn't put their wings away since arriving at Hogwarts, preferring to leave them out. It was more of a display for the other than for the other students or themselves.

The next meal, Hedwig landed right in front of Harry while Draco was at the other end of the table discussing some of the changes with Hermione and Neville. Draco turned to watch as Harry opened the letter he had written just this morning.


You look wonderful sleeping in bed next to me. Your wings hardly wanted to let me slip away to write this. But that's alright, I caressed them until they let me leave for a moment. Maybe when you wake up those caresses will have caused more than your wings to stiffen and relax with delight

Yours Forever,


He saw the blush that crept forward and the shiver that ran down his spine. Harry glanced up towards Draco. Was that really why I woke up with sticky pants today? He folded the letter, tucked it away in his pocket and ate his lunch with excitement brewing in his stomach. If this is what Draco teasing him in public was like, he couldn't wait to get back up to their rooms.

When they headed back up, Draco took extra care to make sure he flooded Harry's senses with his scent. He fluttered his wings if they were anywhere near each other and stretched them out when they weren't as if he knew Harry was looking. He even went so far as to bite his lip when he caught Harry staring.

They retired to their rooms early that night, leaving the group of Gryffindors out on the grounds. They had been surrounding a bonfire, but once Draco saw Harry scoot closer to the fire he had announced that they were taking their leave early. He didn't want Harry to get cold outside.

"Draco? You're driving me bloody mad with all the teasing. Are you going to be like this all the time?" Draco roared with laughter.

"Oh Harry, just for a few days. If you'll remember the text I read you the teasing only lasts a few days. Until you can't stand it anymore, remember? No cheating though. You can't get out of the teasing." He turned around and grabbed Harry by the waist, holding him closer than usual. He was so close, Harry could smell his very being. "I am going to tease you into oblivion, my angel." It was just a whisper, but it sent shivers down Harry's wings. Draco had leaned in even closer, cupping his face to prevent him from moving and holding him to his body with his wings. Their lips were a breath away, Harry's breathing was uneven. Draco just let his scent wash over Harry-he wanted them to smell identical when he wasn't around. He pulled away after Harry's eyes had fluttered shut, shocking him out of his trance-like state.

He winked, and entered their rooms.

The next few days were infuriating to Harry. All the teasing was driving him mad. It happened all the time now; during classes, at meals, in the morning, at night, both with people and when they were along. He didn't know if he could take anymore without bursting.

At the end of dinner on Wednesday, Draco blew him a kiss and winked. Harry, on the verge of going insane, jerked up from the table. "All right, that's enough!" He stormed out of the hall, Draco hot on his heels.

Harry pulled Draco into a tiny alcove in a deserted hallway.

"Draco I can't stand it anymore. You teasing me was fun the first day but I want more. Can we please, please take things just a step further?" Draco beamed, he was delighted that Harry wanted to move things along to the courting stage. He had been spending a lot of time with Hermione, trying to get a good idea of what to shower Harry with when he was ready to progress their relationship further.

"Yes my angel, I would be honored and delighted to court you." He kissed the top of Harry's hand gently. "Be prepared, angel. I have many things I wish to do for you." Harry blushed and they continued inside their room.  

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