Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. I simply borrow the characters.

"You called for me, Professor?" Harry stood in Dumbledore's office, just a few steps inside the room. There had to be a good reason to pull him out of potions, Snape was going to have his head for the urgency in which Dumbledore had requested his presence. And to send Dobby, of all the house elves...Snape had fire in his eyes as he told Harry to get lost.

"Ah, yes. Harry, my boy, how have things been?" Dumbledore turned away from one of his delicate looking machines that was magically whirring in the background to look at Harry. "Please, sit down. You're not in any trouble, I assure you." He sat, feeling much less nervous now. He couldn't help being nervous. Every time he had been called here before he was either finding out bad news or getting into trouble.

"I've been good Professor," he started. Sitting in one of the large chairs in front of his desk was easy now, knowing he wasn't about to be pummeled with bad news. "I wonder, what could be so urgent as to pull me away from potions? Snape is fuming down there."

"Professor Snape, as you well know now Harry. I'll talk to him about it, he can't stay mad at me for long." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with a spark of humor. Harry wasn't sure he wanted to know just what that humor was. "I have called you here to ask you if you had an opportunity to do any reading with Miss Granger lately? I had sent her a delightful book a few days ago." Harry raised his brows before answering.

"Sir, I think you know as well as I that Hermione doesn't like to share books. Especially ones she hasn't read yet. Be that as it may, and with all due respect, why are you asking me about a book you sent her?" He let confusion layer his voice thickly. It wasn't every day you got called to the Headmaster's office, especially for a book.

"Well I was rather hoping she'd be so intrigued she would share her findings with you. It's a book called 'Inheritances: an Understanding' You see, Harry, in the wizarding community it is considered common knowledge that powerful witches and wizards, upon their 16th birthday, usually come into what we call their inheritance." He paused, and folded his hands neatly over the table as Harry simply watched him. "Most of your fellow students don't need to worry about such things, it's usually just a surge in power. But I was worried about you in particular Harry."

He got up and wandered to the shelving behind his desk to pick up a picture. He smiled, and handed it to Harry when he turned around again.

It was a picture of him, being held by his parents. His mother looked so kind, so gentle. And his dad looked nothing short of ecstatic to be kissing him on the head. Harry felt his eyes start to tingle and pushed back the tears.

"Your parents were particularly gifted and although neither one had received an inheritance, they were extremely powerful together. And since you are a product of them both, I am worried about your wellbeing this summer. Your aunt and uncle are not kind to anyone of this world, I can only imagine what they would do to you should you receive an inheritance there." Harry flinched. It was a move his friends wouldn't have noticed it was so subtle, but you couldn't sneak anything past Dumbledore's shrewd gaze.

"I'll put it bluntly Mr. Potter. I am going to call on favors this summer. Before your 16th birthday, I will have a new place for you to stay. One that is even more protected than the Dursley's house." Harry smiled, on the surface he was glad Dumbledore was going to take him away from that place. But deep down, he knew it most likely wouldn't happen. It was just another plan that would end up backfiring or not working out the way they wanted it.

"You will be going with them for the beginning of the summer while I call upon my favors. But rest assured, I will be getting you out of their house before your birthday. It isn't a sure thing that you'll get an inheritance, but I do not wish for them to find you in a weakened state if you do." After a few more pleasantries, Dumbledore dismissed Harry for lunch and called the potions master to his office to square a few things away.

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