He didn't respond, but Draco took that as a good thing. He hadn't fought back on it.

"Now that that's all settled. Harry, do you remember what happened the last time you were awake?" He nodded, tears burning their way down his face. He could only hope Draco didn't see them. "I'm going to recommend you talk to someone about it. Draco here has been worrying over you all week, as has his mother. I'm sure either one of them would be more than willing to help you through that. As for the rest of you, you have broken or fractured nearly every single rib, your right femur was broken, your right arm was shattered, and your right hip had popped out of place. Broken nose, cheekbone, fractured jaw, some fairly large bald spots on your head and you had obviously screamed your throat raw. But, through all of that, your inheritance seems to have healed all of that, except your throat."

"You managed to rip it raw again as you were changing." Draco's voice was a nice interruption, albeit a strange one. He furrowed his brow.

"So...I did get an inheritance...?" He let the question hang in the air, wary of the answer.

"Mhm. You're magic was so powerful your body had no other choice but to revert back to a magical creature that can hold that much magic without risking injury. Quite amazing, really. There's only been a small handful of others who have received such a gift as the one you were presented with." She packed her bag and made for the door. "I will be informing Mrs. Malfoy of the potions you need to take, and when Mr. Potter. I suggest calling on St. Mungo's if you have any other ailments or concerns in a few days. Don't overdo yourself Mr. Potter. I have heard plenty from Madame Pomfrey about you, and I would hate to see her worry over you more than she needs to."

After she closed the door, Harry groaned and let his head sink into the pillow under him. It seemed he would have to trust the Malfoy family to help take care of him. But if Dumbledore trusts them, then so should I. After all, Malfoy did say he would tell me his secrets under the truth potions effects...that's got to count for something.

"Malfoy?" He turned his head towards where he had seen him last. "What am I?" He saw Draco inhale sharply as he turned to look at him. Faintly, he wondered if it were that bad.

"Call me Draco. You're what we call a dark angel now. Do you know what that is?" Anger flared up in his stomach.

"Do you take me for a fool, or do you just presume yourself to be that much better than me?" There wasn't much fight behind his words, talking was going to take some getting used to again. He watched as Draco dipped his head.

"N-no, I just...well I grew up in the magical world and you didn't. I just thought that maybe you wouldn't know all the types of magical creatures that walk the earth yet, especially since dark angels are so incredibly rare. I didn't mean to offend you..." His voice got quieter with each sentence until he just gave up on arguing.

Harry felt like an arse. Here was someone who seems like they want to help and he had just snapped at them. Although, he didn't feel too bad as this was the one person who had come after him again and again in school.

"Alright. What's a dark angel then?" Draco raised his head, but didn't dare ask about his sudden change of tune.

"Dark angels are said to be the most powerful creatures to roam the earth. They don't even use wands, because their magic is so concentrated. They're sort of a cross between an angel and a vampire-" Harry panicked at hearing that, but Draco put a hand over his chest in an attempt to calm him. "Relax, that's not a bad thing. See, you get the best of both worlds. The wings, the ability to cast magic without anything more than your hands, the sense of morals, the patience, the ability to walk during the sunlight, never getting sunburnt again actually. Self healing, silent footsteps, getting to eat food. You get all the good, and none of the bad."

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