Harry found a seat next to Hermione, and started piling his plate with fruit while Hermione was busy tucking into a sandwich whilst she read. That must be the book Dumbledore was talking about. She seems like she's almost done with it.

"Hermione?" She managed to tear her gaze away from the tomb once she was at the end of the sentence she was reading. When she realized Harry was the one to try to grab her attention, she blushed. She wasn't used to ignoring him in favor of a book while they were eating.

"Oh Harry, I'm sorry. I didn't even see you come up, I'll just put this away then-"

"Wait!" She paused, shocked he was telling her not to put her reading away at the table. "When I was in Dumbledore's office just now, he told me he sent you a book," She nodded. "I was wondering, what is it? He seemed rather interested in getting you to talk to me about it for some reason." She smiled, knowingly.

"Oh I know. The note that came with it suggested I talk to you about it once I was done reading it. I was trying to finish this today since it's Friday I thought it would give me ample time to talk to you about it in the common room. But if he insisted, I guess there's no harm getting a head start." Harry leaned in, hanging on her every word.

"I'm sure he told you about what an inheritance in, yes?" She continued after his nod. "I thought as much. Well, in this book it says that true inheritances are rare, but not unheard of. It most often happens to witches and wizards who have an ancestor that wasn't human-commonly a parent or grandparent. But it does say extraordinarily gifted witches and wizards are prone to receiving an inheritance in order to better tame the magic inside them. I suppose that's why he called you to his office, really. He must be worried you'll receive an inheritance."

"I don't see why, though. Sure I can master spells and stuff a little faster than some other students here, but I'm complete rubbish at other things." He took a long drought from his goblet of pumpkin juice.

"That may be, but surely you've noticed it."

"Noticed what?" They both looked up at Ron, who was already sat down next to Harry and stuffing his face with a sandwich.

"Harry's magic, Ronald. And I'll thank you to refrain from talking with your mouth full, I have to return this book to Professor Dumbledore when I'm done reading it." Ron closed his mouth, decent enough to look sheepish, and swallowed. "So you're telling Harry about how his magic has been going a little haywire, huh? We thought you were just playing it off, have you really not noticed?"

Harry shook his head. "I don't know what you two are on about. There's nothing wrong with my magic."

"But that's exactly it Harry!" Hermione's voice rose with excitement. "You're magic has been getting stronger. When you perform more complicated spells, the air around you practically cracks with how badly it wants to be let out. And simpler spells are becoming harder for you to control. Go ahead, try to make that goblet float." He did, and the goblet soared much higher than Harry intended for it to go. It returned slowly, after Harry had reigned in his magic a little. "See? That's your magic trying to burst out. I would be incredibly surprised if you don't have an inheritance coming." Harry's eyes widened. Has this been why everyone was avoiding making him upset lately? He had pushed it off as the news spreading more rumors about him and stress.

"So what would an inheritance do for my magic, anyways? I think sometimes you guys forget I don't read as much as Hermione and Ron is just privy to more information because he grew up in a magical household." The two just smiled at him.

"Well mate, an inheritance is supposed to turn you into a magical creature of sorts. One that has the physical capability to control more magic with less thought."

"Exactly," Hermione picked up where he left of as he had started stuffing some more food into his mouth. "All of them are some sort of humanoid creature-so it's not like you'd turn into a hippogriff. In recorded history, there's been mostly veela, some vampires, elves, fairies, angels and there was even a dark angel once. All are creatures that can morph their appearance to look like nothing has changed with them."

"But that's not the coolest part," Ron continued for her. "See, most of those creatures have a mate right? Someone they can be with forever. Takes all the guesswork out of a relationship. Plus a lot of them have extra abilities." Harry just rolled his eyes.

"Guys, I really don't think I'll end up getting an inheritance. I just don't see how that's in my cards. Plus, my magic is fine. It's just the stress of having to leave Hogwarts next month..." He trailed off, something neither one of his friends took notice of. Pushing his plate away, he left the Great Hall as they were talking amongst themselves about the perks and disadvantages of having a mate would be.

When he rounded the corner, he almost ran smack into none other than Draco Malfoy.

"Hey, watch where you're going Scarhead!" Harry, startled out of his all consuming thoughts, jumped.

"S-sorry Malfoy. I didn't see you come around the corner." Draco cocked his head, evidently curious at the lack of a bite back at him.

"It's...alright I suppose. Don't do it again." The hesitation was quickly replaced by annoyance at having being stopped from progressing to his lunch and he huffed away. Harry wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation, but he decided to ignore it and head to his next class where he could mull over what he learned in silence.

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