In Death's Grip: Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Alright, this is what we've been waiting for. Stick to the formation and we'll survive. Got it?" Hank shouts at us over the wind.

We're all still in the bed of the old pick-up truck and the wind is cold and filled with rain. Jonny has been driving for about five minutes. There are vehicles surrounding all of us.

Hank's army is ready.

"We're ready Hank," Nathan answers through the icy winds.

We drive on in silence for a few more minutes.

I check one last time to see if my sword strap is tight enough. I'd rather not have it loose and it get caught on anything.

My small handgun is in place on the holster that's attached to my belt. It's fitted with a silencer. All of our guns are.

The two main attack forces aren't using them though. They need to make as much noise as possible so Nikolai's defences will be distracted.

Lights loom in the distance. It's the compound at last. The final battle of this war is about to begin.

"Jonny, stop the truck," Hank commands.

Jonny applies the brakes to the vehicle. We stop in a field of high grass that's about a quarter of a mile from our destination. The rest of Charleston's forces continue forward.

"We walk from here," Tony says.

We abandon the truck and jump down into the already forming mud. My shoes get completely covered in it and my hair is soaked.

I decide to put on the riot helmet. The faceguard keeps the rain out of my eyes. I can't see too well though.

We march to the far side of the compound. Hank said that Clare will be holding down the sector that we'll be invading.

He's hoping that the main army can cause a big enough diversion to draw her troops away. We don't need heavy resistance. We wouldn't be able to handle it.

We reach the far side and see that the outer perimeter is littered with cars. It's a good thing. We can use them as cover if we come under fire.

Two guards stand atop the crude wall. Always two guards to a sector of the structure.

Hank and Jonny rush forward. Before the men can react, a few well placed and silenced bullets pierce their bodies.

"Jonny, set the charges. Blow a hole in this damn thing," Hank orders.

Taylor's father steps up to the base of the wall and places several explosive devices in a circular pattern. He motions for us to get back behind the cars.

After a minute, he joins us. He explains that they're on a timer but in the middle of his speech a loud boom interrupts him.

The wall is nothing but burnt metal now. It has a hole the size of an elephant in it.

"That wasn't as quiet as I thought it would be," Matthew says worriedly.

"Don't fret Matthew. Felix will provide what we need," Hank reassures.

A couple of seconds after his statement, three more explosions can be heard all around the compound. The battle has begun.

"That should draw most of the forces in that direction," Tony says, "Some biters might check out our noise though."

He points at shuffling figures in the distance coming toward the base.

"Then let's not waste anymore time then!" Hank shouts, "Form up!"

In Death's GripOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora