In Death's Grip: Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"You know Alex," Haven starts, "I don't really know much about you. I don't really know much about Cho or Julie either. Want to change that?"

"Um...sure I suppose that would be fine," Alex replies.

Alex makes his way from the window where he is keeping watch to a rough leather chair across from Haven. She is sitting on an ugly looking couch with polka dots spattered onto the fabric. I really wish the people that lived here before could've decorated a little bit better.

We just made it back from the gate where Hank gave his orders. The rain is still falling lightly in the outside world. I'm sitting in a corner chair listening to the conversation. Cho is seated on the arm of the chair, listening intently to what Alex is saying. Taylor has taken Alex's spot on the window.

Jonny went upstairs to take a nap and relax for a while. Tusha, my mother is in the kitchen making some sort of soup. Julie is standing beside her, helping with dinner. Since we all get food rations we decide to throw them all together so that one big meal can be made.

Nathan is zoned out in the other room. It seems like he's focused on something completely unrelated to us. Is he whispering to himself? I'll have to talk to him about it later.

"Well," Alex begins, "I don't know where to begin."

"Where did you learn how to fight like you did during the battle?" I hear myself ask.

"You could say that I lived a privileged life before the world died," Alex says, "I was an only child. My parents gave me everything I wanted. They also wanted me to be able to protect myself. They signed me up for several different martial arts classes throughout my life. Over my twenty-three years of life, I've learned how to rip out a man's throat with just my bare hands. I can shoot a one inch space with an arrow from a hundred yards away. I learned how to use a sword and dagger from some of the greatest teachers in the world. So there's your answer Keaton. That's how I was able to kill fourteen people by myself in the battle."

"What did you do for living before the end?" Haven asks the red haired warrior sitting across from her.

"I was actually teaching an archery class in my spare time. It made me enough money to get through college. My parent's seemingly infinite supply of money also helped out. I was getting ready to be in the Olympics. Then the world crashed and burned."

"So how did you and Julie end up being stuck with each other in the apocalypse?" Taylor asks, his gaze still glued to the yard, watching and waiting.

Alex turns to look at Julie. "I'm done talking. Why don't you tell the rest Jules?"

"Okay," Julie says solemnly, her blonde hair waving in her face when she turns toward us.

"Alex and I went to the same college. We lived in a coed dorm. We became friends living so close together. After the outbreak, Alex got me and some of our other friends to safety. It always seemed like Alex knew exactly what to do," Julie chuckles at this, "But with the undead, he didn't know what the hell he was doing. None of us knew. I still don't."

She starts to tear up a bit. She gets up and dashes upstairs. I understand her sorrow. She's lost so much. We've all lost a lot of things. Our friends, our family, people we love. I'm afraid to lose the ones I love now. I squeeze Cho's hand and she squeezes back.

I don't want to be here anymore. I need some sleep. I stand up from my chair. I begin to make my way up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Cho asks, curious of my motives.

"I'm going to bed. I need some rest after the day I've had. We all need our sleep."

These are my final words for the day as the sun sets in the western sky. Cho follows me up to my room. Almost everyone takes my advice and slowly drags their exhausted bodies to their place of rest for the night. All except for one. Nathan.

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