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Ow. Oh my god that hurts. Oh my goodness that hurt. I'm sweating and leaning back against Bellamy. It felt like someone was ripping me in half. Lean my head back, exhausted. "I can't do it" I sob. Bellamy kisses my cheek, "you can do it, I believe in you" he whispers. "Tiga I really need you to keep going," Clarke says. "Come on baby, you can do it" Bellamy says. I nod and keep pushing. Minutes later I hear crying. "It's a girl!" Clarke exclaims. I lay back against Bellamy, crying. It was finally freaking over. Bellamy moves to help Clarke and I lay on my side, staring at the wall. I look at them, Bellamy cuts the baby's cord as Clarke wipes her down with a wet towel. Bellamy leaves Clarke to swaddle the baby and wipes my face with a towel. "A baby girl" he laughs. I could see the happiness in his eyes. "A baby girl" I repeat, tears a joy falling from my eyes.

Clarke puts the baby in my arms and I stare at her. She looks like Bellamy. "What's her name?" Clarke asks. "Willa" I say. "Your sister?" Bell asks. "Yes. Willa kom Wonkru" I whisper to her. "Your name is Willa. I love you more than the sun. More than the sky. More than the moon and the stars. You're my daughter, and I love you so much" I say. I look at Bellamy, who is smiling at us. He kisses me. "I love you" He says, then his smile disappears as he looks at me nervously. We've never said it to each other. I was nervous, every time I loved someone they turned out to screw me over in some way. With Bellamy though, I knew things were different.

"I love you too" I say. He kisses me. "My little Willa" He says looking at her. "Trig! I want her to know the mother tongue even if she never knows Gongasleng (a/n: what the grounders call "english" because only the warriors (gona) know how to speak it)" I laugh. Bellamy laughs with a nod. "My little Willa" He says is Trig this time. Our baby, who knew the hell I went through with Octavia would lead me to Bellamy? Who would give me the most important person in my life.


We sit at the stream, Bellamy is holding Willa above the water. I watch them from the shore. "Why don't you come into the water?" He asks. "You were having fun with the baby! I was letting you have fun!" I call back. "Get in here!"

I laugh, getting up and take my shirt and pants off, joining them in the water. Bellamy is sporting her head with one hand and her body with the other. She was so tiny in his huge hands, looking at them made me laugh. He smirks at me. "You're looking at my hands again?" He asks. I nod and lean down and kiss Willa's forehead. She makes small cooing noises. "Beautiful girl" I say. "Ready?" He asks.

I nod, and make a small cut in her arm, she cries and I squeeze a little blood out. It was black. "Natblida" I whisper. "Our baby is a natblida" I say to Bellamy. "Is that good or bad?" he asks. "Neither, but we don't have to tell anyone either" I reply. He nods. I wipe water on her arm, cleaning the blood. I leaned forward and kissed Bellamy. "We can be happy now," I whisper. "I already was" Bell says. I smile. "So am I"


This is the end, of a really good book. I enjoyed writing it. To explore what I could really turn this fanfiction into. To explore what each character could become and how their relationships blossom. It was a journey worth taking and I can't believe it's come to an end. Hopefully it was a good ending. I'm so thankful to all who read my book and voted for it. It's also an honor to have my story in the 2019 watty's! I love you all and I hope you have a nice life.

- smolboikai

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