Chapter Four

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I stood in the ankle-high river water. Staring down at Kloui's unmoving body. She was face down in the water. Limbs spread this way and that. I reached down with my knife and cut open her back. Then smeared her blood in my hair.

Returning to my hut I heated the tip of my blade then made a cut on the right side of my chest, adding to the numerous people I have killed. "I prey on the weak" I whispered tears falling down my face.

I haven't been happy in years...but...when I was with Octavia. I stood up and ran as much as I could with my limp. Reaching the clan of Skaikru I stood at the door while everyone had their weapons pointed at me through the already open door. My hands went up in the air. "I am Rebel! I seek Octavia of the Sky People!" I yelled.

From a tent came Octavia. As soon as she saw me she smiled. "No! No! Don't hurt her! She won't hurt anyone!" She yelled running to me. When she reached me I wrapped my arms around her waist and hers went around my neck. "Hodnes nou laik kwelnes...It's yuj" (Love is not weakness...It's strength) I whispered in her ear.

"You love me?" She asked. "Not yet...But I feel something...Octavia of the Sky People...Help me find out what it means to love" I replied. She looked me in the eyes. "Of course I will" She answered.


She visits me every day. Today I see her walking to me as I get back from the lake, my hair still damp. Her ponytail swinging behind her. I smiled and she smiles back. "How is your leg feeling my love?!" I call. She responds by sprinting to me. She jumps into my arms, and I pick her up, spinning her around. "Much better" She replied as I put her down.

"Shall we go inside?" I asked. "We shall" She answered grabbing my hand. We walked inside. Octavia laid on my bed, stretching her arms above her head smiling at me. I climbed on top of her, my hands on either side of her head. "River girl you look quite beautiful," I said.

I leaned down and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my waist pulling me towards her. I ground against her. Wanting her but not wanting to pressure her. She tugged at my shirt. I stopped. "Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded.

I pushed her shirt up and pulled it off her. She took off her pants, and then pulled off my shirt. I sat up and pushed off my own pants. I went down and kissed her mouth, then her cheek, and down her jawline. Then her neck. She was shivering underneath me and I loved it. "Rebel" She whispered.

We were tangled in each other. Legs intertwined arms around each other. I placed a hand on her chest, then slowly ran it down her body. I could tell by the way she was twitching it was driving her crazy. I finally got to her sex, she was squirming so much as this point.

I stuck two fingers in her. She was very tight, and I could tell it was slightly uncomfortable for her. "Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded. I started to pleasure her. I could feel her tightening around my fingers as she closed her eyes. She kissed me as she whimpered. 

 Her back arched slightly. "Rebel...Rebel" She gasped as she reached her climax. I removed my fingers as she opened her eyes and looked at me.

I untangled myself from her and crawled between her legs. She propped herself up on her elbows and looked down at me as I licked her slowly. She twitched a little. I wrapped my arms around her thighs and continued to lick her, flicking my tongue. Occasionally sucking on her.

She grabbed my hair and arched her back. I could see and feel her shake. She climaxed again and then started squirting. I sat up as she covered her face, I could tell she was a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry," She said into her hands. I grabbed her thigh, "You don't need to be sorry. That just means you enjoyed it" I said.

She uncovered her face and looked at me. "I've never done that before," She said. "That means you didn't really enjoy it" I replied. She laughed as I laid next to her. We were entangled by each other again.

"I have to go home now," She said with sadness. I watched her get up and put her clothes back on. She looked at me. "Hodnes nou laik kwelnes..." (love is not weakness...)

"...em 's yuj" (...It's strength)

She leaned over the bed and kissed me. I looked at her one last time, wishing to just grab her and pull her back in bed, but she has responsibilities, so I watched her go, looking over her shoulder as she left closing the door.

I laid on my back, staring up at my ceiling I thought about her. Every curve, every inch of her completely perfect. I want to hold onto her and never let her go.

I put my own clothes back on and as soon as I opened my door there stood someone I thought I never would have to see again.

"Hey Tiga"


Word count: 897

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