Chapter One

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Note that when words are italicized it means that person is speaking Trigedasleng. If it is a phrase that is commonly said in the show I will leave it in trigedasleng or if it is a phase that I think has a more powerful effect than if it was said in English. :)

I wake up later in the day than everyone else. Which is normal. Plus I live isolated, all alone. Since I left I lived by a stream in a little hut where I spent most of the day. I pull a cloak over my shoulders and grab my spear.

Exiting the hut I look around, then breath in the fresh air. I then walked to the stream, which wasn't that far. About a five minute walk. I did my usual and pushed off my cloak. I took handfuls of water and rubs them on my arms, then splashed my face. After I picked up my spear and speared about three fish.

Looking up I noticed something in the distance. Someone laid out on the rocks. Unmoving. I approached them and saw it was a girl, who looked like she is around my age.

I kneel down next to her and push hair out of her eyes. She is not from here. I don't see anything that would indicate one of the twelve clans. This was someone from Skaikru.

I drop my spear on the little island attempt to pick her up. Then I notice a wound in her thigh. She was stabbed. From the purple and green skin surrounding the wound the blade was laced with poison. I pulled her over my shoulder and picked her up, adjusting her slightly then carrying her back to the hut. First I placed her down on my bed then ran back to the river to get my things.

I took them back to the hut and when I got there she was still sleeping. First I looked through the many things in my chest and found the right thing to cure the poison. A paste made from tree leaves. I ripped her pant leg and then covered the wound in the paste. Then wrapped it in cloth. It was a little cold so I covered her in a bear pelt to keep her warm.

She would be hungry when she woke, so it was time to get a fire going. I got one started and ran the spit through one of the fish. Then started to cook it on one side. I sat there whistling at the birds. If you whistle to them enough then they will start to repeat your tune. It seems that it has been a success. They whistle the tune back at me.

Just then the door of the hut was thrown open and the girl stumbling out holding one of my blades. She looked scared. "Put it down" I said calmly standing. "You...You speak english?" She asked. "Yes" I replied. "Why am I here?" She asked. "You were injured and poisoned. I was helping you. Come sit...You shouldn't be standing" I explained. 

She hesitated for a moment, then put the knife down. I motioned for her to come sit, and then sat next to her once she did. "Who are you?" She asked. "That is not important" I answered. "It seems important. How would anyone know what to call you?" She asked. Jeez. "You ask a lot of questions Klinrona gada" I replied. "Klinrona gada? What does that mean?"

"Another question"

"My name is Octavia" She said sternly. "Humph. Nice to meet you. Octavia kom Skaikru" I replied. She was silent for a while. "You saved my life I assume. Can I at least know your name?"

"No. You won't need to know it either. Because as soon as you're healed you're leaving" I said. She looked at the ground. I stood and turned the fish over. She looked small and pitiful. I felt bad for her...almost.

There was a pause. "The fish is done" I said clearing my throat. We picked the meat off the fish and ate it in silence. There was a crack in the distance. They found me. "Go inside and don't do anything" I said shoving her in the hut.

I pulled my hood over my cloak and grabbed my bow and arrow. Pulling on my hood I crept behind the trees. I hear someone calling a name. "Octavia!"

It was a man who was obviously older than Octavia, but they looked very similar. The same freckles across the nose. The same eyes and dark dark hair with ghost white skin. Although Octavia was more beautiful. There was someone else with him. A girl, who looked the same age as Octavia. She was short, with blonde hair and green eyes.

I drew back my arrow in my bow and aimed it at them. "O!" The man called. "Bellamy we've been searching for days...She's not here...How do we know-" The girl was interrupted when the man - Bellamy - turned around and pointed a finger at her. "She is still alive. I know it" He said. "But Bellamy-"

"Clarke! Don't start. Please" Bellamy said. Clarke looked my way and made a confused face. "Hey-" I released my arrow and it went straight through her shoulder. She let out a cry in pain and shock as her hand went to her shoulder.

Bellamy aimed his weapon at me and little explosions came my way as I hid behind the tree pressing my back against it. Once the explosions stopped I took off running for my hut. "Go! She might lead you to Octavia!" Clarke yelled. No, no, no. I jumped behind a tree and loaded my arrow. Turning around the corner I expected him to still be far away...he wasn't. He pointed his weapon right at me.

"Where is Octavia?" He asked. I said nothing. Just kept the arrow pointed right at his heart. "WHERE IS SHE!" He yelled. I stood unflinching. He aimed his weapon down and an explosion went off. Intense pain spread through my leg, causing my to drop my own weapon and fall on my butt. He aimed the weapon at me while I was down, clutching my leg I stared at him with a look of determination. Never show fear.

"Take me to my sister. Octavia" He said. "You don't scare me" I said. "Take me to my sister. Octavia. I know she was in this area and you're the only person around. Where is she?" He asked. "Okteivia kom skaikru" I said. "Yes. Octavia" I stood the best I could and limped back to my hut, with his weapon pressed into my back.

Once at the hut I opened the door, Octavia was sitting on the bed. "Is everything alright?" She asked. I said nothing as Bellamy pushed passed me. "Octavia!"


They embraced and I watched leaning against my table, sweaty and breathing hard. "What did you do to her?" She asked running to me. I put a hand up, keeping her from touching me. "Let's take her back to the group. Help her heal" Octavia said. "Why?" Bellamy asked. "Because she saved my life! I was passed out in a river with a poisoned wound and she helped me. I owe her my life...because she saved mine" klinrona gada explained. Bellamy stared for a while. "Fine. But the others aren't gonna like this. I can't protect her if they try to hurt her" He replied.

"You won't have to. Because I will"

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