Chapter Thirteen

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 The next morning Octavia asks me to come with her to meet with Clarke and Colonel Diaz, I know she's just taking me for the image of having a happy wife. She walks to Clarke's house holding my hand. I loved her so much, but I was getting tired of her bullshit. "We need to convince them to join Wonkru. That's the only way any of this can work out" Octavia says. "Are you going to create another pit?" I ask. "If need be"

I sigh, causing Octavia to shoot me a glance. I wasn't going to hide that I didn't agree with the pit. We pass by Bellamy on our way to her house and he looks at me, I try not to look back. There's a smirk on his face that would have made me laugh had I not turned away.

We make it to Clarke's house and I knock on the door. Clarke opens it with a smile, "Come in. Everyone else is already here" She says. When we step in we see Colonel Diaz sitting at the table. She nods at us. "So what did you want to talk to us all about?" She asks. Octavia takes a seat and I stand behind her. I'm still her guard. "We need to talk about leadership. Who's in charge?" Octavia asked. "We hadn't gotten to that yet. We were letting the people settle first" Clarke answers. "We could let them vote. That is the most fair way. Unless you had a better idea Octavia" Colonel Diaz adds. "I ruled a bunker for six years, I think I'm fit to rule"

"No one is 'ruling' here Octavia, people have the right to choose" Clarke says. "Wonkru is a strong clan, we have no problem driving out anyone who is against it. You're with Wonkru, or you're against Wonkru" She looks at each of them, "choose". O gets up and leaves, and I follow. She stands on Clarke's parks and yells to everyone in the camp. "This valley, is now under the control of Wonkru, you're either with Wonkru, or you're against Wonkru. Choose!!" She yells. Someone stands. "You can't force us into your submission!"

I wish they hadn't done that. Octavia draws her sword from behind her back and runs to them. She slices their throat and they fall with blood pouring from her mouth. "You are Wonkru! Or you are the enemy of Wonkru! Choose!" She yells. No one speaks up this time. We're Wonkru. "Long live Blodreina!" Someone yells. People who were in the bunker cheered. I couldn't believe they were brainwashed that far. "Take Me Home TIga" Octavia says. I walk with her as she walks through the crowd. I was becoming more and more scared of her. Or rather, scared for her. The power of being in charge was making her go crazy.

Some people cheered Blodreina, and others stared at her with plain fear. There was no limit Octavia wouldn't cross. That bunker destroyed her. It was as if she was already dead. When we get inside the house she turns to me. "Wonkru will rule this land, Tiga" She says looking at me. "Is that what's best?" I ask. She gets closer to me. "Are you saying you're an enemy of Wonkru?" She asks. "No" I reply. This was not a lie. I am not against being one clan, Wonkru. I am against Blodreina, I don't agree with Octavia's rule. "Good"

Octavia lays down on the bed. "Leave me to sleep. I'll call you when I wake up" She says. I leave. Apart of me wanted to climb in bed with O, hold her close and kiss her neck. What changed? Why did she hate me so much? Bell approaches me, "Hello Rebel" He says. I smile. "Hey Bellamy"

"I'm about to head to the lake. Wanna come with?" He asked. I could see what he really wanted, it was written all over his face. He looked so much like Octavia. "Sure" I say. He turns around and walks, I follow him to the lake. It wasn't that far. Along the way we laugh and talk. With him I don't feel the need to be perfect. I could just be me. I could forget about Octavia. Bellamy always made me feel like this whenever I'm with him. We get to the lake and Bell pulls me behind a large rock. He pushes me against the rock by my hips. "Hi" he says awkwardly. "Hi"

Slowly, slowly he presses his lips against mine. It felt more than just lust. "Are you gonna fuck me or what?" I ask. Bellamy laughs lightly, then lifts me up. I jump and wrap my legs around his hips. Moving my bear skin skirt out of the way I hear his undoing his pants. He's kissing my neck as he shifts me to be able to enter me. "Hey" I says stopping him for a moment. "This is just sex...what's happening between us..." I say. He nods, looking slightly disappointed. I slide myself down onto him. He moans into my neck. I pull his hair as he sucks my neck and digs his nails into my skin. I moan as he pounds into me, pushing me up on the rock.

I don't think anyone ever made me feel so good. "B-Bellamy" I stuttered. Bell groans in my ear, my mouth gaps open. "Tiga. Oh god" He says. "Bellamy sit down" I whisper. He stops. "Why?" He asks. "Just sit" I say. He does as I say and I move my hips. Bouncing and grinding on him. His mouth drops and his eyes are wide with shock. "Oh my god" He breathes. I leaned my forehead against his, "Does that feel good?" I whispers. He can't find his words and just nods. His face is in my neck again, his teeth skin into me. Making me moan, louder than I meant to. Bell puts his hand over my mouth and pushes my butt, I take that as he wants me to move faster. I move my hips faster, making my eyes roll back. A knot in my stomach was building. "B-Bellamy?"

"Hmmm?" Bellamy hums. "I-I-" I cum before I can finish my sentence, making me moan into Bell's neck. He cums in me. Making me gasp. He stares at me, still inside me. "Just sex?"

"Just sex" I say and get up. I walk back to camp alone. Thinking about how many times we slept together. We need to be careful. I could end up pregnant. I push it to the back of my mind as camp comes into view. I'm stopped at the edge by Clarke. "We need to talk" She says.


"Octavia has executed four people in the time you were gone" She says. "What?!" I exclaim. I was gone for like twenty minutes. "Yeah" She says. "We need to stop her. She says. "How?" I ask. Clarke is sitting across from me at the table and Bellamy is leaning against the wall. "We kill her" He says. 

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