Chapter 5: Revealed

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Outside in the garden, all the women (and some men) marveled at the decorations that the castle staff had put up with such care. Beautiful paper lanterns with silver moons were hung from the trees, illuminating the garden with a silver glow. A table covered with a pale blue tablecloth was set at the side, stocked with appetizers that I couldn't imagine eating in the village. I managed to get a look at the drinks. I was relieved to see that there was now a bowl full of water, with little strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries floating in it, giving it the tiniest purple tint.

I carefully poured myself a glass and took a sip. It was a bit bland for my taste, but at least it wasn't alcoholic. I could not risk getting drunk here, as fun as that would be.

I risked a peek inside the grand hall, where all the princess' suitors were all trying to attract her. Or more accurately, attracting her mother. She was clearly too shy to even muster up a "hello." Then I saw a familiar face came into the room, grabbing all the men's attention. Connor. The princess also looked up, and for the first time tonight, I saw her smile. I knew why, too.

I chuckled to myself. "So she really does love Connor." I turned away, silently wishing him luck. I walked over to the black metal railing and rested one of my gloved hands on it. I looked out into the garden, when I felt a tap on my left shoulder. I looked in that direction, but no one was there. Then I looked to my right.

"That's a very childish move to play on a girl, Prince Joseph." I said, unable to stifle a giggle.

"Well I for one still find childish jokes to be hilarious," he said. He extended his hand to me and bowed. "The band's about to play. May I have this dance?"

I curtsied and took his hand. My gloved hand against his bare one. I wanted so badly for him to touch my bare hand again; to feel his touch on my ugly, scarred hands. Nevertheless, I allowed him to lead me to the center of the garden, where we took our positions. The band started to play a lively tune, something quick and fun, but still refined. I actually knew this song. Beau had taught me how to do this dance when we were little, still living with our mother.

It was at the thought of my gypsy mother that I was reminded of a secret bigger than my hands; my magic. My hands would disgust these people. My magic would terrify them. The doubts started to cloud my mind, block out my realistic thinking. I stumbled not once, but twice. Luckily, Joseph caught me both times, but I could see that he knew something was wrong. Before he could ask me, though, I bumped into someone else.

I turned around to see whoever I bumped into, to apologize. My mouth gaped open. "Princess!" I raised a hand to my mouth and quickly dipped into a curtsey. She nodded her head in response.

Joseph stood beside me and smiled at the Princess. "Briar Rose, you look much happier. Did you meet someone special?" He playfully wrapped his arm around her and she giggled. She squirmed away from him.

"I did, in fact. A young boy who..." she blushed again and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I know quite well," she looked towards me. "Who is this?" She asked with a nervous, but polite smile.

"Elise Brandt. As in, Beau's brother." Prince Joseph explained. "I invited her."

"Oh!" Briar Rose clapped her hands together. "Beau Brandt! I remember him! He never stopped talking about you!" She was smiling bright again.

"Well, I'm glad that my reputation precedes me." I said.

Briar Rose chuckled. "I'm glad that you got to meet Prince Joseph here. We all loved Beau, but none as much as Joseph. The three of us were as close as we could be."

"You seem much more confident around the prince," I noted. "A smile is quite becoming on you, princess."

For the first time that night, Briar Rose gave a real laugh, even holding her stomach. "Why, thank you, Elise! And your dress! It looks beautiful! My mother was furious!"

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