Chapter 3: Fairy Godmother

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"You what?!" Clara gasped. "I'm speechless!"

"I know! I couldn't believe it either! But I'm going to a ball tonight, on PRINCE JOSEPH'S arm!" I grasped her hands tightly, not bothering to hold back with my hands. Clara didn't mind them at all. "That's why I came to you. Do you think you can whip something up for me?"

Clara suddenly stopped smiling. "Elise, I really want to, but... I'm not quite good at using my magic yet. If I did this, It'd be weak... and over time, it would fade away."

"Please, Clara. I know you can do this. I believe in you," I said.

Clara blushed. She bit her lip nervously. "Okay. For you, I'll try my best," Clara held her breath. "Stand... really still, okay?"

I nodded and closed my eyes. "What color?" I heard her ask.

"I like red," I said, eyes still closed.

As Clara worked her magic, I felt my body tingle. My clothes stretched and morphed on my body, as my skirt became longer, my sleeves became shorter, and my hands became covered with short silk gloves. Good. No one would see my hands.

"Open them." Clara said.

I looked down. It was beautiful. A long red ball gown, adorned with black lace and ruffles. My hands were covered with short black gloves, and suddenly, my hair was done up in a curled type of style. My shoes were sleek and black, and gave me a little extra height. I looked beautiful.

"Oh, thank you Clara!" I ran up and hugged her. Clara stood still for a second, before hugging me back. But just then, I saw someone over her shoulder. "Um... Clara?"

She pulled away and turned around. It was a palace guard. He wasn't wearing the blue uniform of our kingdom, but a green one instead. Nevertheless, he saw it all and he could get us killed.

"You- you're a witch!" The man pointed at Clara.

"No, I'm-I'm not!" She held her hands in the air.

"Then what are you?!" The man held his sword out at her.

Clara froze. She didn't know what to say. So I stepped in. "My fairy godmother," I said. That was the thing; WITCHES were seen as evil. But call them "sorceresses," or "fairies," and everything was fine.

"I was invited to the ball tonight, but I had nothing to wear. So she approached me." I lied.

The man seemed to believe it. "You're a real fairy godmother?" He asked, lowering his sword.


I interrupted her. "Didn't you just see her create this dress?"

"I suppose so." the man chuckled. He put his sword away and stepped into the light. He was young and sweet-looking. A brown-haired boy with a short nose and round face. "I'm Connor Hammond. I'm one of Princess Briar Rose's bodyguards." he explained. He quickly looked around. "And... I'm sorry to do this, but... I need a favor."

"Um... yes?"

"In exchange for my silence about your magic, I... I would like to be made up for the ball as well." he looked embarrassed. "I've been in love with Briar Rose since we were children. And I know she loves me, but... I've never gotten a chance to really see her, and be with her. I know if I just had this chance, then... maybe she'd choose me."

Clara looked to me for advice. I nodded, encouraging her to try. "I don't know." she said. "Just like with this girl, my magic is still unstable. The spell will end around midnight, and- I'd have to get materials from around here to make anything, and I've already used my magic on her, so it would be much weaker."

"Please Miss." Connor said. "I need this chance. I'll take this risk. And after this, you will never hear from me again."

Clara took a deep breath. "okay." She said. "Can you please take off any armor you're wearing?" She said. Once Connor was down to only the clothing he was wearing, Clara started to work. By the time she was done, Connor truly looked like a prince. Only he wasn't wearing shoes.

"Uh... how can I make those?" Clara mumbled under her breath.

"Oh!" I pulled a glass container of leather out of my bag, still pinned at my side. "Use this. I was going to deliver it to Mr. Jones, but I'm sure he won't mind." I said.

Clara took it eagerly. "Yes! Thank you!" she set the container on the ground and separated the glass and the leather. We watched her weave the glass together to make a pair of shoes, which floated onto Connor's feet.

"I meant to make shoes out of the LEATHER, but that works too." I said.

"Glass shoes?" Connor raised an eyebrow.

"You asked for service when I was at my weakest, you knew the risks." Clara said.

"I know. Thank you. I will be forever grateful to you." he said. And with that, he rushed off towards the palace. Once he was gone, I wrapped my arms around Clara.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"That's what fairy godmothers are for," she whispered back. "Now go get your prince charming."

I nodded, and ran off towards Mr. Jones' shop. There was a carriage in front. "Miss Elise?" A man said. "I've been sent by Prince Joseph to take you to the palace."

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