Chapter 13

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"Okay Ellia, first I'm going to answer your questions. Yes, I know Kayden. We are both a part of the same... organization, I guess? When you were sick, we were talking about a project we were sent to do."

Ellia was going to ask about the project, but she had too many questions. "Organization? What kind of organization? What's it called?"


"And why are able to talk about this around-" she gestured to Sir Irwin and Alice, "them? Are they a part of the secret organization too?"

Instead of William, Sir Irwin answered her, holding out his wrist. Wrapping around it was a delicate ribbon, made of worn old velvet and the exact shade of Ellia's eyes. "Major Irwin Hollis, at your service." His eyes twinkled. "Not such a frail old man now, am I?"

"Wait, Major? Like some kind of soldier?"

"Eh, I'm more of a strategist, I don't really fight. But yes, I do command soldiers."

"And Alice?" Ellia asked. "She's a soldier too?"

In response, Alice held out her wrist. On it was a slightly less worn ribbon, although Ellia could see how much more dirt was on it than on Sir Irwin's.

"Alice is one of the best! We couldn't do it without her," Sir Irwin exclaimed. Alice blushed and ducked her head.

Ellia twirled around to face William. "You too? Are you a soldier?"

He shrugged and answered, "I'm more of a spy, actually. They needed more people on the inside. I'm trained to fight, though." Ellia sat down, trying to process everything. William took the time to explain further. "We all met in the resistance."

Ellia cut him off. "Resistance? I thought this was an organization..."

"Well... we sort of are..." William faltered. He looked at Sir Irwin for help, but the old man just shrugged. "Ok, fine. We're all a part of a rebellion. We're called the Violet Resistance, and-" Ellia chuckled. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just- Violet Resistance? That's the best you could come up with?"

"It's called that because we're trying to resist the people with violet- purple- eyes." That shut her up. He continued, "We've recognized that our system needs to change, and the Violet Resistance is going to do just that."

"Just hold on a sec- you three are all part of a rebellion against the royalty?" The three people in front of her were the least likely people she'd have thought to join a rebellion. "Why do you hate them so much anyway?"

"You know Ellia, you're one of them too," said Alice gently. "You have purple eyes too."

Ellia tried to think of something to say, but she was at loss for words. Finally, she choked out, "They're not all that bad."

"Listen, you don't know them. You've only been here for a few months, your newness hasn't started to wear off. Once you aren't the newest attraction for the king and queen, you'll see their real natures. In fact, I think you might have already seen a nasty side of the queen." Sir William gave a suggestive look towards William, and Ellia remembered when the queen had cornered her in the hallway.

"How did you know about that?"

"I told you Ellia," said William, "there are eyes everywhere."

"Fine, okay. You are all part of an underground rebellion plotting to destroy the monarchy and who identify each other by purple bracelets, but still... why tell me?"

"Because we want you to join us."

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