Chapter 9

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"Ellia?" he asked, still sprawled across the table. Confusion was clear on his face.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him in reply.

"You didn't answer my question."

"You didn't answer mine."

"I asked first," he said raising an eyebrow and sitting up on the table.

"Fine," she huffed, and proceeded to tell him how she snuck out of the castle. She left out the part about sneaking out with William, though.

When she was finished, Kayden asked, "You're already sick of being royalty?"

"Not necessarily sick of it... more like stressed out."

"By what? I mean, you have a ton of servants and guards who are literally bound to serve you with their life." He glowered.

"What's wrong?" she asked, noticing his dark look.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, why did you suddenly get all angsty and mad?"

"Nothing, it's just..." he dipped his head and trailed off.

"Kayden, tell me." He suddenly looked up, and they made eye contact. Ellia stared into his grey eyes, and remembered something. "How old are you?"

He looked away, taken aback. "Wh-why do you want to know?"

"Your eyes are still grey, so you can't have had your Coloring yet, but you seem..."

"Seem what?"

"I don't know... it's just that you seem to be older than 18. Are you?"

Kayden didn't get a chance to respond, because at that moment William came over. He stopped short at the sight of Kayden. "Um, Ellia? Who is this?"

"Oh, right. This is Kayden- I met him at my Coloring."

"Hello Kayden. Why are you sitting on our table?" William asked, still staring.

"I was punched," Kayden replied simply.


Ellia sighed, and said, "I guess I should introduce you. Kayden, this is William." My fiance, she thought, but didn't add to the introduction.

"Hi William, it's nice to meet you." Kayden held out his hand for William to shake. William reached out for it, but then hesitated. He seemed to be staring at something on Kayden's wrist, but it was blocked from Ellia's view. The two men made eye contact, and a look of understanding passed through them.

Ellia, trying to break the awkward silence, asked, "So Kayden... why are you here?"

"Hm?" He broke away from the stare between him and William and took a while to process Ellia's question. "Oh, no real reason. I mean, me and my bud over there-" he gestured to the man who had punched him- "came to talk business, but you can see how that turned out. I was actually just about to leave." He brushed himself off and started to turn away before saying, "Goodbye Ellia. William, it was nice to meet you- I hope to see you soon."

"Wait, Kayden, don't you want to stay?" Ellia asked, feeling pity for him. It seemed as though he was a sort of wanderer, with even his friend punching and abandoning him.

"No, it's fine. I really have to go, I've got some things to do."

William shrugged and said, "Whatever floats your boat. I hope to see you soon too." And Kayden waved and walked away, out of the main tavern door.

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