Extra #5: Choice #3 Results

Start from the beginning

Frisk is the first to greet you with a wave when you step out, smiling at you as you pass through the hall and walk past various doors and potted plants until you arrive at the exit of their home. You don't have the necessary courage to see Sans in person or much less talk to him with his letter still fresh in your memory, so you settle with casting a quick look at him sitting at the living room's couch.

Looking away and reaching for the doorknob, the door opens with a single turn and allows you to step outside. The only thing you manage before walking away is to sign a haste 'thank you' and offer Frisk a smile right as you close the door behind you.

The alarm on your phone starts to ring and you take it out to see it's four twenty-five already. You turn it off and hurry down the road, in search for the bus stop before it was too late.

You don't know where those minutes went by or why you took so long to come up with a single decision, but you don't have time to think about it now that you're falling behind schedule. The bus is already waiting for you, and it's close to driving off when you get there.

Choice C

Leave it for later

Not wanting to risk getting home late, you save the note for later by putting it away in your pants' back pocket along with your phone. You ready yourself to go out and close the door behind you, checking you have everything with you when you make it to the living room.

Sans and Frisk are there when you reach the room. You thank them both for helping you out and say your farewells afterwards. They return your gesture and wave as you step out of the house, four twenty-five marking itself on your phone's screen. Time is limited, but you're able to reach the bus stop before it leaves.


You arrive home to see Faust already waiting for you, backpack on one side of the living room and shoes placed near the door. He smiles at you and runs your way, giving you a hug.

"Did you have fun with your friends?" you ask, returning his smile.

He nods firmly and grins, performing a victorious pose by straightening his back and placing his hands on his hips. "I won at hide-and-seek today!"

Faust beams when you compliment him over his achievement. You instruct him to go shower and wait until you see him go up the stairs, letting him know you were waiting for him to follow your instructions. He looks like he wants to protest and ask for some time instead, though he doesn't say anything when he sees the stern look on your face. It's noticeable by the way his eyes spark and how he pouts that he's suspicious of you again.

"We can talk later, dear," you speak up, ushering him to go. "I promise I won't keep so many secrets from you, but you have to listen to me first -- Now go shower and come back after you're done."

He mutters a reluctant 'okay' before looking away and making his way up to the bathroom. You enter your kitchen and turn on the stove to heat up the food you left before going off to work. While you wait, you reach for your phone and look for Sans's Overnet profile, taking a peek of his social media to view his most recent posts and clicking on 'send a message' once the screen loads.

I like you, too.

Though I guess you knew that already.

i'm gonna be frank with ya and say i have no clue when it comes to dating.

so, in a way, i wasn't really sure you did 'til you told me upfront.

Are you really sure about this, though?

I know you said you couldn't date anyone because of your sentence.

i like to gamble sometimes.

and not gonna lie, having you so close today motivated me into giving you that letter.

So you're sure about this?


i'd take you out today if i could.

but i hope this'll be enough for now.

An image pops up after that last message. As soon as it loads, you can feel blood drain from your face. It's a stock photo complete with a watermark and the generic brand name 'Best Value' sticker placed on the fruit.

. . .A date?

the best kind.

Choice D

Hold onto it

You choose to put the note away in your wallet, hiding it behind your driver's license. It takes you no longer than a few minutes to get dressed and leave the room, remembering you had to make it home soon. The door closes behind you as you exit and pass by various doors decorated with potted plants, until you make it to the living room, where Sans and Frisk stand. The human child is busy organizing a bookshelf while the monster is sitting down on the couch nearby, going through some papers and setting some apart.

The child greets you the second they spot you and offer you to stay a bit longer. You think of declining their offer, but one look at your phone gives you security that you have a few minutes to spare until the next bus made it to the stop.

Frisk asks if you enjoyed the chocolate they prepared while Sans keeps to himself, making eye contact with you when you answer the younger one's question. You smile at the skeleton when you see him, though you can't bring yourself to do anything beyond that. Instead, you mention you have to leave five minutes before the next bus arrived and wave goodbye without exchanging a word with him. You do, however, pull the note out of your wallet, wave it at Sans discreetly, and wink, said actions retrieving a flustered look from his part. He looks away and concentrates back on organizing the papers scattered about, sparing a quick look at you before you leave as he waves.

You almost take it as your imagination when he winks back right after.


Your heart leaps when you step out of the kitchen. The two dinner plates on your hold almost topple over when you see the wrinkled note now in Faust's hold. His eyes are narrowed as he reads through the paper's contents, the fact that the wallet was still in your possession making you wonder just how it slipped out. He seems concerned for the most part of reading, though a smile breaks his tension away when he reads the last bit. You don't move an inch, paralyzed by the sight of him having caught onto one of your (not-so) well-kept secrets.

"Are you guys dating now?" Faust asks, tearing his eyes away from the paper to look at you. He seems excited by that thought rather than troubled or angered by the revelation.

"No," is your response, that single word coming out stronger than you intended it to. You see him flinch at the sharp and sudden rise in your voice, noticeably caught off guard by your reaction. "Or, well. . . Not yet," you correct, sighing as you take in another breath and place his plate on the center table of your living room. "I haven't wrote back at him about the letter."

"But you like him, too. . . Right?" Faust presses on, setting the note down on the table right next to the food.

"I do, but that doesn't mean I can go anywhere with that yet -- The judge's decision is still there, dear. We can't risk it."

"That doesn't mean you can't text him, though," Faust suggests, smug grin and tone making you wonder who he was hanging out with for him to say something like that. You can't believe him and his enthusiasm in discussing that topic.

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